Reporting View | Description | Key & Frequency | Recommended Search Columns |
| Contains the unique combinations of academic standing at the start of an academic period and the academic standing at the end of the academic period to be used to display values for prompt selection in reports.One row per academic_standing.ACADEMIC_STANDING | | |
| Contains all the unique values for the name of the advisors formatted as last name, first name middle initial (LFMI) to be used to display values for prompt selection in reports.One row per advisorPRIMARY_ADVISOR_NAME_LFMI | | |
| For each academic period contains the unique combinations of the program, degree, college, department, campus, site and graduation academic period intended with their descriptions to be used for displaying selection values for academic study prompts.One row per academic_period, program, degree, college, department, campus.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PROGRAM, DEGREE, COLLEGE, DEPARTMENT, CAMPUS | | |
| Contains the unique set of audit student values within the audit academic period and associated range options to display as selection prompts for reports.One row per audit_academic_period, student_level and audit_typeAUDIT_ACADEMIC_PERIOD,STUDENT_LEVEL,AUDIT_TYPE | | |
| Contains the unique set of block types and block values within the audit academic period to be displayed as selection prompts for reports.One row per block type.BLOCK_TYPE | | |
| Contains the unique set of geographic divisions and their associated geographic region values to display as selection prompts for reports.One row per geographic region, geographic divisionGEOGRAPHIC_REGION | | |
| For each academic period contains the unique combinations of the program, degree, college, major department, first concentration, first minor, campus, site and graduation academic period intended with their descriptions to be used to display values for academic study prompts when only first major, minor, concentration is selected.One row per academic_period, program.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PROGRAM ACADEMIC_PERIOD, STUDENT_LEVEL | | |
| Contains the unique set of registration plan values within an academic period and associated indicator options to display as selection prompts for reports.One row per academic_periodACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains the unique set of registration plan courses and associated administrative values to display as selection prompts for reports.One row per course_identification, course_number and course_subject.COURSE_IDENTIFICATION, COURSE_NUMBER, COURSE_SUBJECT | | |
| Contains the unique set of student classification values to display as selection prompts for reports.One row per student_classification.STUDENT_CLASSIFICATION | | |
| Contains the unique set of student population values to display as selection prompts for reports.One row per student_population.STUDENT_POPULATION | | |
| Closed (at census date) Admissions data made available for the colleges. Contains data for admitted students only at the undergraduate level.
Undergraduate population meets the following criteria:
1) Admitted
2) Student admission decisions have already been released to the students
| | |
| Daily Admissions data made available for the colleges. Contains data for admitted students only at the undergraduate level. Undergraduate population meets the following criteria: 1) Admitted 2) Student admission decisions have already been released to the students | | |
| Frozen view of CPS Admissions data that provides CPS and OSER with reporting capability continue defining and improving the enrollment management strategy. Includes all applications where Applied for Term or Accepted Term is the current term in Apply Yourself. Data is frozen three times per term at census date, second half and end of term as defined by registrar calendar. Data released to CPS, OSER, Admissions CPS Office, Financial Aid Office, Institutional Research Office, Provost Office, and Registrar’s Office. Data is not released to Argos. | | |
| Daily refresh of CPS Admissions data that provides CPS and OSER with reporting capability continue defining and improving the enrollment management strategy. Includes all CPS application records for all terms available in Apply Yourself (includes all records that in Banner Staging area). Data released to CPS, OSER, Admissions CPS Office, Financial Aid Office, Institutional Research Office, Provost Office, and Registrar’s Office. Data is not released to Argos. | | |
| Weekly view of CPS Admissions data that provides CPS and OSER with reporting capability continue defining and improving the enrollment management strategy. Includes all applications where Applied for Term or Accepted Term is the current term in Apply Yourself. Freeze is created at the beginning of the working day on Mondays. Data released to CPS, OSER, Admissions CPS Office, Financial Aid Office, Institutional Research Office, Provost Office, and Registrar’s Office. Data is not released to Argos. Data is collected for the given term only during so called admission analysis cycle period. CPS Admission analysis cycle is defined as period starting 18 weeks (126 days) prior CPS Academic period start date and ending at CPS Second Half Freeze. | | |
| Frozen view of Graduate Admissions data that provides Grad colleges and OSER with reporting capability to define and improve the enrollment management strategy. Includes all current terms in the active admissions cycle (may be 1 or more terms). One freeze per term aligned with student freezes (stats date). Data released to Grad colleges, OSER, Admissions Grad Office, Financial Aid Office, Institutional Research Office, Provost Office, and Office of the Registrar. | | |
| Daily view of Graduate Admissions data that provides Grad colleges and OSER with reporting capability to define and improve the enrollment management strategy. Includes all current terms in the active admissions cycle (may be 1 or more terms). One freeze per term aligned with student freezes (stats date). Data released to Grad colleges, OSER, Admissions Grad Office, Financial Aid Office, Institutional Research Office, Provost Office, and Office of the Registrar. | | |
| Weekly view of Graduate Admissions data that provides Grad colleges and OSER with reporting capability to define and improve the enrollment management strategy. Includes all current terms in the active admissions cycle (may be 1 or more terms). One freeze per term aligned with student freezes (stats date). Data released to Grad colleges, OSER, Admissions Grad Office, Financial Aid Office, Institutional Research Office, Provost Office, and Office of the Registrar. | | |
| Daily snapshot of a set of the student's academic history attributes(previous college(s), degree(s) and certificate(s) for all given graduate applicants starting from Fall 2008. | | |