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Detailed Course Information


Fall 2024 Semester
Feb 09, 2025
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Information Select the desired Level or Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

CS 2800 - Logic and Computation
Introduces formal logic and its connections to computer and information science. Offers an opportunity to learn to translate statements about the behavior of computer programs into logical claims and to gain the ability to prove such assertions both by hand and using automated tools. Considers approaches to proving termination, correctness, and safety for programs. Discusses notations used in logic, propositional and first order logic, logical inference, mathematical induction, and structural induction. Introduces the use of logic for modeling the range of artifacts and phenomena that arise in computer and information science.
4.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Computer Science Department

Course Attributes:
NU Core Math/Anly Think Lvl 2, Computer&Info Sci

Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels:     

(Undergraduate level CS 1800 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level MATH 1365 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level MATH 2310 Minimum Grade of D-) and Undergraduate level CS 2500 Minimum Grade of D-

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