Neu Student Reporting Reporting View Reports

SGHE Banner Operational Data Store
Reporting View Target: Z_NEU_ CENSUS_STUDENT_VW - Student Census

Description Provides snapshot of detailed student biodemo and academic information for each Academic Period (Reg. term). Examples: Student gender, ethnicity, citizenship information, GPA related information, Athletics information, Etc Data snapshots are taken at Census time(stat time) starting from Fall 2009 going forward

Target Column Business Name Business Definition Database Data Type Domain Value Source Name Source Column
ACADEMIC_PERIOD Academic_Period_Effective The last academic term when key student information (such as student level, student status, program or major, etc.) was updated. The same term will display until the student information is updated again. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_ADMITTED Academic_Period_Admitted Academic period the student was admitted to the university. Student changing majors or levels that do not require a separate admission process do not get a new value (for example, a student moving to the graduate portion of a +1 program). Each separate admissions process a student goes through will generate a new date. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_ADMITTED_DESC Academic_Period_Admitted_Desc Description for Academic Period Admitted VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_DESC Academic_Period_Effective_Desc Description for Academic Period Effective VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_NUFREEZE Academic_Period Academic term when student data was frozen corresponding to event in the academic calendar (defined by student level) VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_NUFREEZE_DESC Academic_Period_Desc Description for Academic Period VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_YEAR   Academic year associated with Academic Term, which corresponds to the calendar year in which the academic year (which runs Sept-Aug) ends. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_YEAR_DESC   Description for Academic Year VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
ACTIVITY_1 Activity_One Activity that identifies a sport the student is participating in. VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ACTIVITY_2   Identifies additional sports that a student is participating in. VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ACTIVITY_3   Not currently used. VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ACTIVITY_4   Not currently used. VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ACTIVITY_5   Not currently used. VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ACTIVITY_DESC_1 Activity_One_Desc Description for Activity 1 VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
ACTIVITY_DESC_2   Description for Activity 2 VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
ACTIVITY_DESC_3   Description for Activity 3 VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
ACTIVITY_DESC_4   Description for Activity 4 VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ACTIVITY_DESC_5   Description for Activity 5 VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
AFRICAN_AMERICAN_IND Race_African_American_Ind Indicates that the student has self-identified as being of a race categorized as Black or African-American Note: Corresponds to Black_African_American_Ind for IPEDS reporting. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
AMERICAN_INDIAN_IND Race_Amer_Indian_Ind Indicates that the student has self-identified as being of a race categorized as American Indian or Alaska Note: Corresponds to AMERI_INDIAN_ALAS_NAT_IND for IPEDS reporting. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
ASIAN_IND Race_Asian_Ind Indicates that the student has self-identified as being of a race categorized as Asian. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
BIRTH_DATE   Date of birth of the student. DATE      
CANADIAN_RACES_CONCAT CANADIAN RACES CONCAT A concatenation of any race information provided by students with a home campus in Canada. Added after 202210 Freeze VARCHAR2(100)      
CITIZENSHIP_TYPE Citizenship_Type_Ind Definition included in 202210 Freeze: Indicates whether the person has been identified as a citizen of the United States. Definition after 202210 Freeze: Indicates whether the person is a citizen or permanent resident of their home campus country. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR) STVCITZ    
CITIZENSHIP_TYPE_DESC Citizenship_Type_Ind_Desc Description for Citizenship Type VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
CLASS_CAMPUS_LIST   Concatenation of the Campus value for all registrations for a student in a given academic term        
COHORT_1 Cohort_1 A specific group of students that have a common attribute(s). NU generally uses a start date as a common attribute. For IPEDS reporting, as well as management reports, a student cohort is commonly defined as a collective group of first-time entrants to our institution who enrolled at the census date in programs leading to a certificate, associate or baccalaureate, or other degree. This cohort is first-time full-time freshmen & first-time full-time transfers. Example: 201310FN (New student as of Fall 2013 term) VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
COHORT_1_DESC Cohort_1_Desc Description for Cohort 1 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
COHORT_2 Cohort_2 Second Cohort tracking group assigned(currently athletic cohort only-students who are recruited athletes are coding this way upon entry) VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
COHORT_2_DESC Cohort_2_Desc Description for Cohort 2 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
COHORT_3   Not presently used. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
COHORT_3_DESC   Description for Cohort 3 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
COLLEGE Student_College_Code This field identifies the college associated with the student's primary curriculum for the effective term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVCOLL    
COLLEGE_ADMITTED_DESC_NU College_Admitted_Desc Description of the college the student was admitted into. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
COLLEGE_ADMITTED_NU College_Admitted College the student was admitted into. Please note: Most admissions information should be reported from Admissions views. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
COLLEGE_DESC Student_College_Desc Description for College VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
COMBINED_MAJOR_IND COMBINED_MAJOR_IND Indicates if student's major is run by multiple colleges.        
CONCENTRATION_ADMITTED_DESC_NU   Description for concentration student was admitted into. Please note: Most admissions information should be reported from Admissions views. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
CONCENTRATION_ADMITTED_NU   Concentration the student was admitted into. Please note: Most admissions information should be reported from Admissions views. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
COURSE_CREDITS   Academic Credits associated with this course, credits which appear on a transcript.        
CREDIT_EARNED Hours_Earned Overall Hours Earned for the current student level. (Student Cumulative earned hours including transfer hours). Note: Can be semester hours or quarter hours depending on student level. NUMBER(11,3)      
CURRENT_TIME_STATUS Attendance_Status_Code This field identifies whether the student is taking a full or part-time credit load (which varies by student level) for the given term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVTMST    
CURRENT_TIME_STATUS_DESC Attendance_Status_Desc Description for Current Time Status VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
DEGREE Degree_Sought Degree or award code associated with the student's academic study. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVDEGC    
DEGREE_DESC Degree_Sought_Desc Degree code description. For example, bachelor of business administration, master of arts, juris doctor, etc. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
DEGREE_IPEDS_CODE Degree_IPEDS_Code IPEDS Code associated with student degree Examples: 2 - Cert between 1 and 2 years 3 - Associate 4 - Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of (at least 2 but less than 4 academic years) 5 - Bachelors 6 - Post baccalaureate certificate 7 - Masters 8 - Post-master's certificate 9 - Doctorate (Retired as of Fall 2010) 17 -Doctor-Research/Scholarship 18 - Doctor - Professional Practice 19 - Doctor Other 99 - No Degree NUMBER(2) STVDLEV    
DEGREE_IPEDS_DESC Degree_IPEDS_Desc Description for Degree_IPEDS_Code VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
DORM_BUILDING Dorm_Building Student's current university housing building name VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
DORM_CITY Dorm_City Student's campus housing city VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
DORM_ROOM Dorm_Room Student's current university housing room number VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
DORM_STATE_PROVINCE Dorm_State Student's campus housing state VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
DORM_STREET Dorm_Street Student's campus housing street name VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
DORM_ZIP Dorm_Zipcode Student's campus housing zip code VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
DUAL_MAJOR_IND Dual_Major_Ind Flag indicating that the student is pursuing two majors. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
ELIGIBILITY_1 Sports_Eligibility_One Identifies whether the student athlete is recruited or a walk-on or a 5th year athlete. VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ELIGIBILITY_2   Identifies whether the student athlete is recruited or a walk-on or a 5th year athlete. VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ELIGIBILITY_3   Identifies whether the student athlete is recruited or a walk-on or a 5th year athlete. VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ELIGIBILITY_4   Identifies whether the student athlete is recruited or a walk-on or a 5th year athlete. VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ELIGIBILITY_5   Identifies whether the student athlete is recruited or a walk-on or a 5th year athlete. VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
ELIGIBILITY_DESC_1 Sports_Eligibility_One_Desc Description for ELIGIBILITY_1 VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
ENROLLED_IND   Flag indicating whether a student has an enrollment status. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
ENROLLMENT_STATUS Enrollment_Status Identifies student enrollment code for given term, such as: EL = Eligible CO = Coop SA = Study Abroad LA = Leave of Absence VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVESTS    
ENROLLMENT_STATUS_DESC Enrollment_Status_Desc Description for student enrollment status VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
EVENT Event a description of the predefined freeze event as one of stat date freeze, degree data freeze, end of term freeze, etc. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
EXPECTED_GRADUATION_DATE Expected Graduation Date Business Definition A student's estimated date of graduation based on admitted date and Pattern of Attendance for undergraduate (Student Level = UG) or entry term and length of program for graduate and Law (Student Level = GR/LAW). Valid Values Sample 05/20/00 12:00 AM 01/07/11 12:00 AM 08/29/13 12:00 AM 04/13/17 12:00 AM 05/07/20 12:00 AM DATE      
FIRST_CONCENTRATION_DESC_NU1 First_Concentration_Desc Description for First Concentration Nu1 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
FIRST_CONCENTRATION_DESC_NU2   Description for concentration for secondary program. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
FIRST_CONCENTRATION_NU1 First_Concentration_Code First concentration attached to the primary major. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FIRST_CONCENTRATION_NU2   Concentration for secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FIRST_CONCENTR_CIPC_DESC_NU1   Description for CIP code of first concentration. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
FIRST_CONCENTR_CIPC_NU1   CIP code for first concentration. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FIRST_CONCENTR_CIPC_NU2   CIP code for first concentration of secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FIRST_MAJOR_DESC_NU2 Primary_Maj_2nd_Curr_Desc Description for First Major Nu2 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
FIRST_MAJOR_NU2 Primary_Maj_2nd_Curr_code This field identifies the primary major within the secondary curriculum for the effective term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FIRST_MINOR First_Minor_Code First Minor attached to a primary program VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FIRST_MINOR_CIPC_DESC_NU1   Description for CIP code of first minor. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
FIRST_MINOR_CIPC_NU1   CIP code for first minor. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FIRST_MINOR_CIPC_NU2   CIP code for first minor of secondary program VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FIRST_MINOR_DESC First_Minor_Desc Description for First Minor VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
FIRST_MINOR_NU2   First minor for secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FIRST_NAME First_Name The first name given to a person at birth, baptism, another naming ceremony or through legal change. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
GENDER Gender Code for the gender of a person, e.g. Male, Female. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
GENDER_DESC Gender_Desc Description for Gender VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
GPA GPA_for_Level GPA for the student level. Calculated by dividing quality points by GPA credit hours for the level of student. NUMBER(11,3)      
GPA_CREDITS GPA_Hours_for_Level Hours used to compute student's GPA per student level NUMBER(11,3)      
GRAD_YEAR_INTENDED Graduation_Year_Intended Expected year of graduation, initially set based on certain criteria and may be adjusted throughout student's terms. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
GRAD_YEAR_INTENDED_DESC Graduation_Year_Intended_Desc Description for Grad Year Intended VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
HIGH_SCHOOL_CODE High_School_Code Code indicating high school the student attended. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
HIGH_SCHOOL_CODE_DESC   Description for high school code VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
HISPANIC_LATINO_IND Hispanic_Ind Indicates that the student has self-identified as being of Hispanic or Latino origin VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
HOLD_DESC_NU1 Hold_One_Desc Description for HOLD_NU1 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
HOLD_DESC_NU2 Hold_Two_Desc Description for HOLD_NU2 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
HOLD_DESC_NU3 Hold_Three_Desc Description for HOLD_NU3 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
HOLD_DESC_NU4 Hold_Four_Desc Description for HOLD_NU4 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
HOLD_DESC_NU5 Hold_Five_Desc Description for HOLD_NU5 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
HOLD_NU1 Hold_One A code for a registration hold placed on a student's account. These range from back balances due, academic performance concerns, incomplete health records submitted, etc. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) STVHLDD    
HOLD_NU2 Hold_Two A code for a registration hold placed on a student's account. These range from back balances due, academic performance concerns, incomplete health records submitted, etc. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) STVHLDD    
HOLD_NU3 Hold_Three_ A code for a registration hold placed on a student's account. These range from back balances due, academic performance concerns, incomplete health records submitted, etc. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) STVHLDD    
HOLD_NU4 Hold_Four_ A code for a registration hold placed on a student's account. These range from back balances due, academic performance concerns, incomplete health records submitted, etc. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) STVHLDD    
HOLD_NU5 Hold_Five A code for a registration hold placed on a student's account. These range from back balances due, academic performance concerns, incomplete health records submitted, etc. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) STVHLDD    
HOME_CAMPUS_CODE HOME_CAMPUS_CODE The approved campus location assigned to a student or employee upon application, enrollment, or hiring. Added after 202210 Freeze        
HOME_CAMPUS_COUNTRY_CD   The nation of a student's Home Campus Cd. Added after 202210 Freeze        
HOME_CAMPUS_DESC HOME CAMPUS DESC Description of Home Campus Cd. Added after 202210 Freeze VARCHAR2(255)      
HOME_CITY Home_City Student permanent (home) address city VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
HOME_COUNTRY   Student permanent home address country. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
HOME_STATE Home_State Student permanent (home) address state. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
HOME_STREET Home_Street Student permanent (home) street1 address VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
HOME_ZIP Home_Zipcode Student permanent (home) address zip code. VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
ID Student_NUID Northeastern University ID (NUID) is the unique primary person identifier, publicly distributable and permanently assigned to each university constituent. Click here VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
IPEDS_RACE_CD IPEDS_Ethnicity_Race_Code Race / Ethnicity based on requirements from the "Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Example: 1 - Hispanic of any race 2 - American Indian or Alaska Native 3 - Asian 4- Black or African American 5 - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 6 - White 7 - Two or more races 8 - Nonresident Alien 9 - Race and Ethnicity unknown *This code is only valid beginning Fall 2010. Note: Corresponds to IPEDS_Ethnicity_Race_Cd for IPEDS reporting. This information is used for statistical purposes only and is aggregated and submitted to the federal government as may be required by law. The University also uses the aggregated data to develop government-mandated reports/plans. This means the information is reported in total numbers only, without any identifying information. Personally identifiable information will remain confidential. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
IPEDS_RACE_NAME IPEDS_Ethnicity_Race_Desc Description of IPEDS_RACE_CD Note: Corresponds to IPEDS_Ethnicity_Race_Name for IPEDS reporting. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
LAST_NAME Last_Name The last name by which a person is known. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
LEAVE_REASON Leave_Reason Code that designates why the student is on leave for this academic period. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVLEAV    
LEAVE_REASON_DESC Leave_Reason_Desc Description for Leave Reason VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
LOCAL_CITY Local_City City in the student's local, non-university address. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
LOCAL_STATE_PROVINCE Local_State State of the student's local, non-university address. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
LOCAL_STREET Local_Street Street of the student's local, non-university address. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
LOCAL_ZIP Local_Zipcode Zip code part of the student's local, non-university address. VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
MAJOR_ADMITTED_DESC_NU   Description of the major the student was admitted into. Please note: Most admissions information should be reported from Admissions views. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MAJOR_ADMITTED_NU   Major the student was admitted into. Please note: Most admissions information should be reported from Admissions views. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MAJOR_CIPC_DESC_NU1   Description of CIP code for major. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MAJOR_CIPC_DESC_NU2   Description for Major_CIPC_NU2 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MAJOR_CIPC_NU1   CIP code for major. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MAJOR_CIPC_NU2   CIP code for major for secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MAJOR_DESC_NU1 Primary_Major_Desc Description for Major Nu1 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MAJOR_NU1 Primary_Major_Code This field identifies the primary major within the primary curriculum for the effective term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MIDDLE_NAME Middle_Name A secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, another naming ceremony, or through legal change. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MINOR_ADMITTED_DESC_NU   Description for minor student was admitted into. Please note: Most admissions information should be reported from Admissions views. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MINOR_ADMITTED_NU   Minor the student was admitted into. Please note: Most admissions information should be reported from Admissions views. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
NATION_OF_CITIZENSHIP Nation_of_Citizenship Prior to Global Campus System updates: Country code of the nation where the person maintains citizenship. Note: There is currently no way to store dual citizenships After 2022 Freeze and Global Campus System updates:: Country code of the nation where the person maintains citizenship. Note: In the case of dual citizens, it is the citizenship under which they applied to the university. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVNATN    
NATION_OF_CITIZENSHIP_DESC Nation_of_Citizenship_Desc Country code of the nation where the person maintains citizenship. Note: There is currently no way to store dual citizenships VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
NEW_STUDENT_IND New_Student_Indicator Indicates that this is the first academic period for the student at their current level. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
NU_FREEZE_DATE Freeze_Date Actual date the data was frozen DATE      
NU_RACE_NAME NU_RACE_NAME Used for internal reporting only. Uses the same logic as IPEDS_ETHNICTY_RACE_CD but with different descriptors.        

Business Definition
Categorizes a student according to the proportion of courses taken online in a given term. Students may conduct their studies fully or partially online, or completely on ground.

Business Logic
If a student has no courses with Campus Code VTL (Virtual), then Online Status Code is N (Not Online) meaning the student is not registered for any online courses.
If the number of the student's courses with Campus Code VTL (Virtual) equals the number of courses the student is enrolled for then Online Status Code is F (Fully Online) meaning the student is registered for 100% online courses.
If the number of the student's courses with Campus Code VTL (Virtual) does not equal the number of courses the student is enrolled for then Online Status Code is P (Partially Online) meaning the student is registered for both online and on ground courses.
If the record does not match the logic above then Online Status Code is X (Not Registered) meaning the student is not registered for any courses in the given academic period and online status is not applicable.

Valid Values
F:Fully Online
P:Partially Online
N:Not Online
X:Not Registered

ONLINE_STATUS_DESC Online_Status_Desc Description of the Online Status Code. Values: F (Fully Online), P (Partially Online), N (Not Online), X (Not Registered). VARCHAR2(255)      
ORIENTATION_SESSION_IND Orientation_Session_Ind Indicator that shows which orientation session was attended by a student. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
PACIFIC_ISLDR_IND Race_Pacific_Isle_Ind Indicates that the student has self-identified as being of a race categorized as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Note: Corresponds to NAT_HAWAIIAN_PAC_ISLDR_IND for IPEDS reporting. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
PERSON_UID Student_PIDM System generated, unique, Banner-generated identification number assigned to the person. NUMBER (8)      

Business Definition
Indicates a student who has been accepted into and is actively working towards a Plus One program at the Undergraduate or Graduate level.

This field was created at the start of the 2017-2018 academic year.

Valid Values

VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
POA_CODE POA_Code Pattern of attendance for student during effective term. For full list, see the following link: http://www.northeastern.edu/registrar/ref-udc-poa-ugd.pdf to the Registrar's website. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
POA_DESC POA_Desc POA Code description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
POA_YOS POA_Year_of_Study Latest year of study correlated to the POA code NUMBER(2)      
PRIMARY_ETHNICITY Primary_Ethnicity This field identifies the ethnic code defined as one of defined by NU. This information is used for statistical purposes only and is aggregated and submitted to the federal government as may be required by law. The University also uses the aggregated data to develop government-mandated reports/plans. This means the information is reported in total numbers only, without any identifying information. Personally identifiable information will remain confidential. *This code is only valid prior to Fall 2010. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PRIMARY_ETHNICITY_DESC Primary_Ethnicity_Desc Description for Primary Ethnicity VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_ADMITTED_DESC_NU   Description for program admitted. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_ADMITTED_NU   Program a student is admitted into. Please note: Most admissions information should be reported from Admissions views. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_CLASSIFICATION_NU1 Primary_Program_Classif Classification associated with the major subject area of study for this outcome. This may be the Classification of Institutional Programs (CIP) codes used for reporting outcomes to the federal government. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_CLASSIFICATION_NU2   Classification associated with the major subject area of study for this outcome. This may be the Classification of Institutional Programs (CIP) codes used for reporting outcomes to the federal government. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_CLASSIF_DESC_NU1 Primary_Program_Classif_Desc Description for Program Classification VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_CLASSIF_DESC_NU2   Description for program classification NU2. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_DESC_NU1 Primary_Program_Desc Description for Program Nu1 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_DESC_NU2 Secondary_Program_Desc Description for Program Nu2 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_FOS_CODE_NU1 Primary_Program_FOS_Code Field of Study Code for Primary Program VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_FOS_CODE_NU2   Field of Study Code for Secondary Program VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_NU1 Primary_Program_Code The combination of student level, course level, college and degree. Tied to (via curriculum rules) majors, minors, and concentrations. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_NU2 Secondary_Program_Code The combination of student level, course level, college and degree. Tied to (via curriculum rules) majors, minors, and concentrations. Please note: if student is taking non-degree CPS classes, student may get P-SPEC-DED-U, P-ND-UNDE-U, P-ND-CONT second program entry here. See registrar website for more info. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
QUALITY_POINTS Quality_Points Total number of quality points per student level NUMBER(11,3)      
RACE_ETHNICITY_CONFIRM_DATE   Indicates date the student has confirmed their race and ethnicity through self service Banner. DATE      
RACE_ETHNICITY_CONFIRM_IND Race_User_Confirm_Ind Indicates that the student has confirmed their race and ethnicity selection. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
REGISTERED_IND Registered_Indicator

Business Definition
Indicates whether the student is registered for the current academic period.

Business Logic
If no Registration record exists for the current term AND No Academic History record exists for the current term then assign Registered Indicator code N (Not Registered).
If a Registration record exists for the current term OR An Academic History record exists for the current term then assign Registered Indicator code Y (Registered).

Valid Values

VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
SECOND_COLLEGE_CD   For Undergrad Day students in a Dual Major/Combined Major, this field identifies the second college of the student’s primary curriculum for the effective term. Note: This field currently does not include students majoring in CSDA or ISBA. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SECOND_COLLEGE_DESC   Description for Second College Cd VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SECOND_CONCENTRATION_DESC_NU2   Description for second concentration of secondary program VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SECOND_CONCENTRATION_NU1 Second_Concentration_Code Second Concentration attached to the primary major. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SECOND_CONCENTRATION_NU2   Second concentration for secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SECOND_CONCENTR_CIPC_DESC_NU1   Description of CIP code for second concentration VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SECOND_CONCENTR_CIPC_NU1   CIP code for second concentration VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SECOND_CONCENTR_CIPC_NU2   CIP code for second concentration of secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SECOND_CONC_DESC_NU1 Second_Concentration_Desc Description for Second Concentration Nu1 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SECOND_MAJOR Secondary_Major_Code Code indicating which second major a student is pursuing. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SECOND_MAJOR_DESC Secondary_Major_Desc Description for Second_Major VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SECOND_MINOR Second_Minor_Code Second Minor attached to a primary program VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SECOND_MINOR_CIPC_DESC_NU1   Description of CIP code for second minor. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SECOND_MINOR_CIPC_NU1   CIP code for second minor. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SECOND_MINOR_CIPC_NU2   CIP code for second minor of secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SECOND_MINOR_DESC Second_Minor_Desc Description for Second Minor VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SECOND_MINOR_NU2   Second minor for secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SPORT_STATUS Sports_Status Identifies the person's current sports status for the sport in this record for the term (only used for recruited athletes), for NCAA compliance. Values: Active/Inactive VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SPORT_STATUS_DESC Sports_Status_Desc Description for Sport Status VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_CONCAT Student_Attribute_Concat A concatenation of the student attributes. Attribute concatenation begins with 201425 academic term freeze. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_CONCAT_DESC Student_Attribute_Concat_Desc A concatenation of the student attributes. Attribute concatenation begins with 201425 academic term freeze. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC_NU1 Student_Attribute_One_Desc Description for Student Attribute Nu1 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC_NU2 Student_Attribute_Two_Desc Description for Student Attribute Nu2 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC_NU3 Student_Attribute_Three_Desc Description for Student Attribute Nu3 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC_NU4 Student_Attribute_Four_Desc Description for Student Attribute Nu4 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC_NU5   Description for Student Attribute 5 VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_NU1 Student_Attribute_One Identifies one of many possible student attributes to be tracked for the person and used for reporting groups of students timely correlated with student record (some attribute stay with a student forever, while others come and go on a nightly basis). Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for StudentA and Attribute2 for StudentB. StudentA - Attribute1: HONA StudentA - Attribute2: TSHP StudentB - Attribute1: TSHP StudentB - Attribute2: HONA VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_NU2 Student_Attribute_Two Identifies one of many possible student attributes to be tracked for the person and used for reporting groups of students timely correlated with student record (some attribute stay with a student forever, while others come and go on a nightly basis). Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for StudentA and Attribute2 for StudentB. StudentA - Attribute1: HONA StudentA - Attribute2: TSHP StudentB - Attribute1: TSHP StudentB - Attribute2: HONA VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_NU3 Student_Attribute_Three Identifies one of many possible student attributes to be tracked for the person and used for reporting groups of students timely correlated with student record (some attribute stay with a student forever, while others come and go on a nightly basis). Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for StudentA and Attribute2 for StudentB. StudentA - Attribute1: HONA StudentA - Attribute2: TSHP StudentB - Attribute1: TSHP StudentB - Attribute2: HONA VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_NU4 Student_Attribute_Four Identifies one of many possible student attributes to be tracked for the person and used for reporting groups of students timely correlated with student record (some attribute stay with a student forever, while others come and go on a nightly basis). Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for StudentA and Attribute2 for StudentB. StudentA - Attribute1: HONA StudentA - Attribute2: TSHP StudentB - Attribute1: TSHP StudentB - Attribute2: HONA VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_NU5   Identifies one of many possible student attributes to be tracked for the person and used for reporting groups of students timely correlated with student record (some attribute stay with a student forever, while others come and go on a nightly basis). Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for StudentA and Attribute2 for StudentB. StudentA - Attribute1: HONA StudentA - Attribute2: TSHP StudentB - Attribute1: TSHP StudentB - Attribute2: HONA VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)      
STUDENT_CLASSIFICATION Student_Classification_Code Identifies the student classification based on the number of credits student has earned on their record for the point in time. Please note: this does not correspond to the number of years a student has been at the university. Example: FR - Freshmen GR - Graduate JR - Junior LW - Law SH - Sophomore SR - Senior VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
STUDENT_CLASSIFICATION_DESC Student_Classification_Desc Description for student classification VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_DEPARTMENT_CODE Student_Department_Code Department responsible for the student's academic study. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVDEPT    
STUDENT_DEPARTMENT_DESC Student_Department_Desc Description for Student Department_Code VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_LEVEL Student_Level_Code This field identifies the level of the student for the effective term as one of CP(Continuing Education CPS), UP(CPS - Undergraduate), GP(CPS - Graduate), UG(Undergraduate Day), GR(Graduate Day), LW(Law), US(Undergraduate Specialty Programs), GS(Graduate Specialty Programs) VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVLEVL    
STUDENT_LEVEL_DESC Student_Level_Desc Description for Student Level VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_POPULATION Student_Population_Code This field identifies the student type for the effective term, such as: N = New C = Continuing S = Special X = Exchange VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVSTYP    
STUDENT_POPULATION_DESC Student_Population_Desc Description for Student Population. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_RESIDENCY Student_Residency_Code Definition included in 202210 Freeze: Residency of the student as one of: F, I, J, P Definition after 202210 Freeze: Residency of the student in relation to Home Country VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVRESD    
STUDENT_RESIDENCY_DESC Student_Residency_Desc_ Definition included in 202210 Freeze: Description for Student Residency Values: F: full-time I: full-time international P: part-time J: part-time international. Definition after 202210 Freeze: Description for Student Residency. Values are F: Full-time domestic, I: Full-time international, P: Part-time domestic, J: Part-time international VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_STATUS Student_Status_Code_ Student's current status for the academic period. May include AS (active), (IS) inactive, or (IG) inactive due to graduation. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVSTST    
STUDENT_STATUS_DESC Student_Status_Desc Description for Student Status VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
THIRD_CONCENTRATION_DESC_NU1 Third_Concentration_Desc Third Concentration Description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
THIRD_CONCENTRATION_NU1 Third_Concentration_Code Third Concentration attached to the primary major. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
THIRD_CONCENTRATION_NU2   Third concentration for secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
THIRD_CONCENTR_CIPC_DESC_NU1   Description for CIP code for third concentration VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
THIRD_CONCENTR_CIPC_NU1   CIP code for third concentration VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
THIRD_CONCENTR_CIPC_NU2   CIP code for third concentration of secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
THIRD_MINOR   Third minor for the primary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
THIRD_MINOR_CIPC_DESC_NU1   Description of CIP code for third minor. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
THIRD_MINOR_CIPC_NU1   CIP codes for third minor. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
THIRD_MINOR_CIPC_NU2   CIP code for third minor of secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
THIRD_MINOR_DESC   Description of third minor. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
THIRD_MINOR_NU2   Third minor of secondary program. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
TRANSFER_CREDIT_EARNED Transfer_Credit_Hours_Earned Transfer credit hours earned with another institution. NUMBER(11,3)      
UK_RACES_CONCAT UK RACES CONCAT A concatenation of any race information provided by students with a home campus in the UK. Added after 202210 Freeze VARCHAR2(100)      
UK_RACES_DESC_CONCAT UK RACES DESC CONCAT A description of UK RACES CONCAT. Added after 202210 Freeze VARCHAR2(300)      

Business Definition
Defined as any student who is not an international citizen and who has self-declared either an ethnicity of Hispanic, or one of the following Races: American Indian/Alaskan, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander or more than one race.

Business Logic
Any student who has declared Hispanic ethnicity, or one of the following races after declaring Non-Hispanic ethnicity: African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. Students who select more than one racial category are considered Underrepresented Minority if at least one of the selections is from the options above.

Valid Values

VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
VETERAN_IND Veteran_Ind Indicates that the student is a military veteran. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
VETERAN_IND_DESC Veteran_Desc Description for Veteran_IND VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
VISA_TYPE Visa_Type Most current visa type recorded for the academic period. Selection is made based on the start date and end date being within the academic period for this record. Lookup Table: VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVVTYP    
VISA_TYPE_DESC Visa_Type_Desc Description for Visa Type VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
WHITE_IND Race_White_Ind Indicates that the student has self-identified as being of a race categorized as White. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
WITHDRAWAL_REASON_DESC_NEU Withdrawal_Reason_Desc Description for Withdrawal Reason NEU VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
WITHDRAWAL_REASON_IPEDS   Reason for students withdrawal according to government standards; comes from lookup table: VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVWRSN    
WITHDRAWAL_REASON_NEU Withdrawal_Reason Student's withdrawal reason, could be either voluntarily or involuntary. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVWRSN    

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