Neu Oirhr Reporting Reporting View Reports

SGHE Banner Operational Data Store
Reporting View Target: Z_NEU_HRREPORT_VW

Description Provide the Institutional Research Unit with the capability to report on HR data and comply with federal reporting requirements, external requests for information, and internal university requests. Daily snapshot.

Target Column Business Name Business Definition Database Data Type Domain Value Source Name Source Column
ACADEMIC_RANK Academic_Rank Rank code VARCHAR2 (4 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_TITLE Academic_Title Name for the academic staff member title or position at the institution. Examples may include, associate professor, adjunct faculty member, etc. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_1 Account_Index_1 Account Index is used as a short cut method to the data entry of an accounting distribution. It may contain any or all of the account distribution columns. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_1_PERCENT Account_Index_1_Percent Percent of pay to be applied to this labor distribution. Defines the percentage of the contract value attributed to this accounting distribution. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_2 Account_Index_2 Account Index is used as a short cut method to the data entry of an accounting distribution. It may contain any or all of the account distribution columns. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_2_PERCENT Account_Index_2_Percent Percent of pay to be applied to this labor distribution. Defines the percentage of the contract value attributed to this accounting distribution. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_3 Account_Index_3 Account Index is used as a short cut method to the data entry of an accounting distribution. It may contain any or all of the account distribution columns. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_3_PERCENT Account_Index_3_Percent Percent of pay to be applied to this labor distribution. Defines the percentage of the contract value attributed to this accounting distribution. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_4 Account_Index_4 Account Index is used as a short cut method to the data entry of an accounting distribution. It may contain any or all of the account distribution columns. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_4_PERCENT Account_Index_4_Percent Percent of pay to be applied to this labor distribution. Defines the percentage of the contract value attributed to this accounting distribution. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_5 Account_Index_5 Account Index is used as a short cut method to the data entry of an accounting distribution. It may contain any or all of the account distribution columns. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_5_PERCENT Account_Index_5_Percent Percent of pay to be applied to this labor distribution. Defines the percentage of the contract value attributed to this accounting distribution. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_6 Account_Index_6 Account Index is used as a short cut method to the data entry of an accounting distribution. It may contain any or all of the account distribution columns. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX_6_PERCENT Account_Index_6_Percent Percent of pay to be applied to this labor distribution. Defines the percentage of the contract value attributed to this accounting distribution. VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)      
ACTION_DATE Action_Date Date of last activity (insert or update) on the record. DATE      
ACTION_REASON Action_Reason Employee_Position change reason. Job change reason code associates the reason for the change with the Employee_Position record (future change). VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
ACTION_REASON_DESC Action_Reason_Desc Employee_Position change reason description. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
AFRICAN_AMERICAN_IND African_American_Ind African American indicator VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
AMERICAN_INDIAN_IND American_Indian_Ind American Indian indicator VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
ANNUAL_RATE Annual_Rate Annual salary for the Employee_Position based on the calendar year. NUMBER(10,2)      
APPOINTMENT_EFFECTIVE_DATE Appointment_Effective_Date Appointment Effective Date. DATE      
ASIAN_IND Asian_Ind Asian indicator VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
BENEFIT_CATEGORY Benefit_Category Benefit category to which the employee belongs. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
BENEFIT_CATEGORY_DESC Benefit_Category_Desc Benefits category description. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
BIRTHDATE Birthdate Date of birth for the person DATE      
BIRTHPLACE Birthplace Country code of the nation of the person's birth VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
CITIZENSHIP_STATUS Citizenship_Status Identifies the person's national relationship to the institution's home country VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
CITIZENSHIP_STATUS_NAME Citizenship_Status_Name Citizen type description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
CONTRACT_PAY_TYPE Contract_Pay_Type Number of pays the employee receives in the year. Used for deferred pay calculations. NUMBER      
CURRENT_HIRE_DATE Current_Hire_Date Employees current date of hire. May differ from original date of hire in cases where an employee is re-hired. DATE      
DAILY_RATE Daily_Rate Daily salary for the Employee Position based on the calendar year. NUMBER(10,2)      
DEGREE Degree Highest educational level employee degree VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
DEGREE_DESC Degree_Desc Degree description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
DEGREE_INSTITUTION Degree_Institution Instituion where employee graduated from VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
DEGREE_YEAR Degree_Year Degree year VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
DEPARTMENT_LEVEL_CODE Department_Level_Code Retrieves level 7 organization within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(63)      
DEPARTMENT_LEVEL_DESC Department_Level_Desc Retrieves description or title level 7 within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
DISABLED_VET Disabled_Vet Indicates whether the person has been qualified as a disabled veteran. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
DIVISION_LEVEL Division_Level Retrieves level 3 organization within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
DIVISION_LEVEL_DESC Division_Level_Desc Retrieves description or title level 3 within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
EEO_SKILL Eeo_Skill Used by institutions of higher education for Equal Employment Opportunity skills reporting as defined by the federal government. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
EEO_SKILL_DESC Eeo_Skill_Desc EEO skill description. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
EFFECTIVE_DATE Effective_Date Date an Employee_Position became effective in the payroll system DATE      
EMAIL_ADDRESS Email_Address Employee email address VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
EMERITUS_STATUS_ID Emeritus_Status_Id Emeritus status VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
EMPLOYEE_CLASS Employee_Class Employee class code. Organizes position information consistent with employee groupings. At the employee level,used to help determine controls for benefits, leave, payroll and self-service rules. Employee class as listed in the Employee Table from PEAMPLE Banner Screen VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
EMPLOYEE_CLASS_DESC Employee_Class_Desc Employee class long description. Employee class as listed in the Employee Table from PEAMPLE Banner Screen VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
EMPLOYEE_STATUS_DESC Employee_Status_Desc Employee status description. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
EMPL_STATUS Empl_Status Status of the employee (Active, Termed, etc.). VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
EXECUTIVE_LEVEL Executive_Level Retrieves level 2 organization within this organization hierarchy based on the Home organization code of the employee. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
EXECUTIVE_LEVEL_DESC Executive_Level_Desc Retrieves description or title level 2 within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
FIRST_HIRE_DATE First_Hire_Date Date the employee was first hired. DATE      
FIRST_NAME First_Name The first name given to a person at birth, baptism, another naming ceremony or through legal change. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FTE Fte A calculation of FTE using the position budget basis, position annual basis, and job appointment percent. Represents a calculated FTE value as pro-rated by the length of appointment against the annual value of the job, and factored by the employee's appointment. NUMBER      
FULL_NAME Full_Name Combination of the person's last, first, and middle initial into one value. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
FULL_OR_PART_TIME_IND Full_Or_Part_Time_Ind Internal part time/full time indicator, used for EEO reporting. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FUNDING_END_DATE Funding_End_Date Date when funding for the position is expected to end; not all records have a value DATE      
GENDER Gender The gender of a person, e.g. Male, Female. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
GENDER_DESC Gender_Desc Gender code description. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
GRADE_ENTRY_DT Grade_Entry_Dt Date when employee entered current grade DATE      
HIGHEST_EDUCATION_LEVEL Highest_Education_Level Highest educational level of the employee VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
HISPANIC_LATINO_ETHNICITY_IND Hispanic_Latino_Ethnicity_Ind Indicates if person's ethnicity is Latino or Hispanic. Due to mandated changes to the collection of race and ethnicity, these classifications were changed to separate Race and Ethnicity. Ethnicity can now be defined as either Hispanic or Latino, or Not Hispanic or Latino. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
HOME_ORG_CODE Home_Org_Code Home organization code of the employee VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
HOME_ORG_CODE_DESC Home_Org_Code_Desc Home organization code description of the employee VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
HOME_PHONE Home_Phone Home phone number VARCHAR2(63)      
HOURLY_RATE Hourly_Rate Regular hourly rate for this Employee_Position NUMBER(10,2)      
IMMIGRATION_STATUS Immigration_Status Indicates whether immigration information has been received. For U.S. clients, this is the I-9 Form status VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
INTERDISC_FACULTY_FLAG Interdisc_Faculty_Flag Indicates whether faculty is listed in the interdicsciplinary faculty view (1=interdisciplinary faculty, null=not) VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
IPEDS_ETHNICITY_RACE_CODE Ipeds_Ethnicity_Race_Code IPEDS reporting code VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
IPEDS_ETHNICITY_RACE_DESC Ipeds_Ethnicity_Race_Desc IPEDS reporting desc VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
IPEDS_PRIMARY_FUNCTION Ipeds_Primary_Function Classification of employee function for IPEDS reporting purposes VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
IPEDS_PRIMARY_FUNCTION_DESC Ipeds_Primary_Function_Desc Classification of employee function for IPEDS reporting purposes VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
JOB_CHANGE_EFFECTIVE_DATE Job_Change_Effective_Date Date an Employee_Position became effective in the payroll system. DATE      
JOB_CODE Job_Code Job code VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
JOB_CODE_DESC Job_Code_Desc Job description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
JOB_DEPARTMENT_LEVEL_CODE Job_Department_Level_code Retrieves level 7 organization within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
JOB_DEPARTMENT_LEVEL_DESC Job_Department_Level_Desc Retrieves description or title level 7 within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
JOB_DIVISION_LEVEL Job_Division_Level Retrieves level 3 organization within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
JOB_DIVISION_LEVEL_DESC Job_Division_Level_Desc Retrieves description or title level 3 within this organization hierarchy VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
JOB_EXECUTIVE_LEVEL Job_Executive_Level Retrieves level 2 organization within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
JOB_EXECUTIVE_LEVEL_DESC Job_Executive_Level_Desc Retrieves description or title level 2 within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
JOB_INDICATOR Job_Indicator Indicates whether this is the Primary, Secondary, or Overload position        
JOB_INDICATOR_DESC Job_Indicator_Desc Description for the type of employee contract. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
JOB_SCHOOL_LEVEL Job_School_Level Retrieves level 5 organization within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
JOB_SCHOOL_LEVEL_DESC Job_School_Level_Desc Retrieves description or title level 5 within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
JOB_SUFFIX Job_Suffix Suffix allows users to define a job with more precision. For example, a user could denote daytime faculty with one suffix and evening school with another. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
JOB_TIMESHEET_ORG Job_Timesheet_Org Level 8 org in NBRJOBS. Organization to which the time sheet for this position is sent. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
JOB_TIMESHEET_ORG_DESCR Job_Timesheet_Org_Descr Organization to which this Employee_Position's time sheet is sent. Description corresponding to the level 8 org in NBRJOBS VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
LAST_DATE_WORKED Last_Date_Worked The last day that the employee worked. DATE      
LAST_NAME Last_Name Last name of the person VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
LAST_SABBATICAL_DATE Last_Sabbatical_Date Sabbatical/leave requested from date. DATE      
MAIL_DROP Mail_Drop Campus office location code VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MAIL_DROP_DESC Mail_Drop_Desc Campus office location description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MANAGER_LEVEL Manager_Level Organizes the job classifications for the institution and holds attributes that control title, employee class, eel code and wage and salary data. Also, the primary organizer for the design and maintenance of the position definition. These attributes are inherited when the employee is assigned to the position. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MANAGER_LEVEL_DESC Manager_Level_Desc Manager position class description or title. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MARITAL_STATUS_DESC Marital_Status_Desc Marital status description associated with the person. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MAR_STATUS Mar_Status Marital status code of the person. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
MIDDLE_NAME Middle_Name Middle name of the person. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MONTHLY_RATE Monthly_Rate Monthly salary for the Employee Position based on the calendar year. NUMBER(10,2)      
NAME_PREFIX Name_Prefix Prefix associated with the person's name. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
NAME_SUFFIX Name_Suffix Suffix for the person's name. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
NATIONAL_ID National_Id Person's tax identification number assigned by their home federal government VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
NATION_OF_CITIZENSHIP Nation_Of_Citizenship First country code of the nation where the person maintains citizenship. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
NATION_OF_CITIZENSHIP_DESC Nation_Of_Citizenship_Desc Nation/country of citizenship description for the person. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
NEU_BASE_PERIOD Neu_Base_Period Contract number associated with this Employee Position VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
NEU_CELL_PHONE Neu_Cell_Phone Employee cell phone number VARCHAR2(63)      
NEU_VISA_COUNTRY Neu_Visa_Country Nation or country issuing the visa to this person VARCHAR2(63)      
NEXT_SABBATICAL_DATE Next_Sabbatical_Date Sabbatical next eligibility date. DATE      
NUID Nuid Person's or organization's current identification number VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
PACIFIC_ISLDR_IND Pacific_Isldr_Ind Pacific Islander Indicator VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
PAYMENT_BEGIN_DT Payment_Begin_Dt Date on which a contract begins. Significant to the encumbering process. DATE      
PAYMENT_END_DT Payment_End_Dt Date on which a contract ends. Significant to the encumbering process. DATE      
PERM_ADDRESS_CITY Perm_Address_City This field maintains the municipality associated with the address of person VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PERM_ADDRESS_COUNTRY Perm_Address_Country This field maintains the nation/country associated with the address of person. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PERM_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_NAME Perm_Address_Country_Name Country code description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PERM_ADDRESS_STATE Perm_Address_State This field maintains the state, province or territory associated with the address of person. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
PERM_ADDRESS_STREET_1 Perm_Address_Street_1 The first address line associated with the permanent address of the applicant VARCHAR2(255)      
PERM_ADDRESS_STREET_2 Perm_Address_Street_2 The second address line associated with the permanent address of the applicant VARCHAR2(255)      
PERM_ADDRESS_STREET_3 Perm_Address_Street_3 The third address line associated with the permanent address of the applicant VARCHAR2(255)      
PERM_ADDRESS_ZIP Perm_Address_Zip This field maintains the postal code associated with the address of person VARCHAR2(30 CHAR)      
PERSONNEL_DATE Personnel_Date True effective date of the job change. Date the change became effective, regardless of payroll. The personnel change Date is the date this change was actually made; as opposed to the effective date (the date the change became effective in the payroll system). DATE      
PERSON_UID Person_Uid System generated Banner unique ID which gets assigned to all person and non-person records within Banner NUMBER(8)      
POSITION_BEGIN_DATE Position_Begin_Date Employee_Position begin date. The date the job assignment started. DATE      
POSITION_NBR Position_Nbr Position number for this Employee_Position. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
POSITION_STATUS Position_Status Status of the employee position VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
POSITION_STATUS_DESC Position_Status_Desc Position status description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
POSITION_TITLE Position_Title Employee_Position description. Defaults from the position title if left blank. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PREFFERED_FIRST_NAME Preffered_First_Name If a person prefers to go by a name that is different from his/her legal name, the university allows the person to do this by setting a preferred name. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PREVIOUS_INSTITUTION_CREDIT Previous_Institution_Credit Credit toward the number of years of service the employee may have from prior institutions that may have some bearing on current faculty action eligibility. For Canadian College installations, this field is reported on the Annual Statistics Canada Report for Colleges. Two decimal places. NUMBER      
PRIMARY_ACTIVITY Primary_Activity Indicates whether the primary activity of the faculty member is instructional, research, or administrative. VARCHAR2(63)      
PRIMARY_ACTIVITY_DESC Primary_Activity_Desc Primary activity description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PRIMARY_DISCIPLINE Primary_Discipline Department in which faculty's tenure is/was approved VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PRIMARY_DISCIPLINE_DESC Primary_Discipline_Desc Primary discipline code description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PRIM_DISABILITY Prim_Disability Primary or first major disability for the person because of this handicap.        
RANK_BEGIN_DATE Rank_Begin_Date Date when faculty entered current rank DATE      
RANK_DESC Rank_Desc Rank code description VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
REPORTING_CATEGORY   Standard Occupation Code grouping used for IPEDS report VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
REPORTS_TO Reports_To Position to which this position reports. Identifies the next position in the organizational hierarchy. The reports to position must have a position definition and cannot report to itself. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
REPORT_TO_TITLE Report_To_Title Title of the position to which this position reports. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      

Business Definition:

Employee classification by the role like Faculty, Staff, SGA, Others.

Business Logic:

If Position Employee Class code is SG (Stipend Grad Assistant) then assign Role code SGA (Stipend Grad Assistant).

If Position Employee Class code is SP (Student Part-Time Lecturer) assign Role code Other.

If Position Employee Class code is one of the following: CP (CPS Part-Time Faculty), FA (Faculty Tenured/Tenure Track), FB (Faculty Non-Tenure Track), or FP (Faculty Part-Time) assign Role code F (Faculty).

If Position Employee Class code is one of the following: A7 (Administrative Professional 7h), A8 (Administrative Professional 8h), CT (Crafts and Trades), PS (Public Safety), PA (Part-Time Admin Professional), O7 (Office Technical Support 7h), O8 (Office Technical Support 8h), or SV (Facilities Service) assign Role code S (Staff).

For all other Position Employee Class codes assign Role code Other.

VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
SABBATICAL_BEGIN_DATE Sabbatical_Begin_Date Sabbatical/leave requested from date. DATE      
SABBATICAL_END_DATE Sabbatical_End_Date Sabbatical/leave requested to date DATE      
SABBATICAL_REASON Sabbatical_Reason Sabbatical/leave reason code VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SABBATICAL_REASON_DESC Sabbatical_Reason_Desc Sabbatical/leave reason description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SABBATICAL_TYPE Sabbatical_Type Classifies the type of sabbatical which is being tracked on this leave action VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SABBATICAL_TYPE_DESC Sabbatical_Type_Desc Sabbatical/leave type description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SALARY_GRADE Salary_Grade Salary grade        
SCHOOL_LEVEL School_Level Retrieves level 5 organization within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SCHOOL_LEVEL_DESC School_Level_Desc Retrieves description or title level 5 within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SENIORITY_DATE Seniority_Date Institution defined date field. DATE      
SERVICE_DATE Service_Date Date used to determine years of service for leave accrual if the first hire date and current hire date are not equal. DATE      
SHIFT Shift The normal shift assigned to this job. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SHIFT_DIFFERENTIAL_RATE Shift_Differential_Rate The additional amount (above their regular rate) an employee will earn when working this shift number. NUMBER      
STANDARD_HRS Standard_Hrs The number of hours an employee filling this job normally works in a day NUMBER(7,2)      
STANDARD_WORK_PERIOD Standard_Work_Period Payroll group description or title VARCHAR2(255)      
STEP Step Salary step within the salary grade for this position.        
SUPERVISOR_ID Supervisor_Id NUID of the supervisor VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
SUPERVISOR_NAME Supervisor_Name Combination of the person's first, middle initial, and last name of the supervisor. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
TENURE Tenure Tenure code VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
TENURE_DESC Tenure_Desc Tenure description VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
TENURE_EFFECTIVE_DATE Tenure_Effective_Date Date when tenure was granted DATE      
TENURE_REVIEW_DATE Tenure_Review_Date Tenure review date DATE      
TENURE_STATUS Tenure_Status Tenure status VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
TENURE_TRACKING_BEGIN_DATE Tenure_Tracking_Begin_Date Date when tenure tracking started DATE      
TERMINAL_APPOINTMENT_IND Terminal_Appointment_Ind Terminal appointment VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
TERMINATION_DATE Termination_Date Termination date of the employee DATE      
VETERAN_CATEGORY Veteran_Category Category of veteran. Standardized by the federal government to track attendance of particular groups. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
VISA_COUNTRY_DESC Visa_Country_Desc Description of the nation or country that issued the visa. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
VISA_EXPIRE_DATE Visa_Expire_Date Current date this person's visa expires. DATE      
VISA_ISSUE_DATE Visa_Issue_Date Most recent date this person's visa was issued DATE      
VISA_REQ_DATE Visa_Req_Date Date the visa was requested by the person. DATE      
VISA_START_DATE Visa_Start_Date Current visa initial valid or begin date for this person. DATE      
VISA_TYPE Visa_Type Identifies the type of visa issued to this person. May be student, employment, visitor, etc. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
VISA_TYPE_DESC Visa_Type_Desc Recorded visa type description. For example, a student, a work or spouse visa, etc. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
WHITE_IND White_Ind White race indicator VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
WORK_PHONE Work_Phone Work phone number VARCHAR2(63)      

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