Neu Coop Reporting Reporting View Reports

SGHE Banner Operational Data Store
Reporting View Target: Z_NEU_COOP_YEAR_END_FREEZE_VW

Description Provides job placement information for all full time undergraduate or graduate students (except CPS, Law School and MBA students) who have been placed during the academic year, beginning in Summer 2 and ending in Full Summer/Summer 1. Summer 1/Summer 2 split placements are considered a four month full summer placement. View is loaded once per year around fall stat time.

Target Column Business Name Business Definition Database Data Type Domain Value Source Name Source Column
ACADEMIC_YEAR ACADEMIC_YEAR Academic year associated with Academic Term, beginning in Summer 2 and ending in Full Summer/Summer 1. VARCHAR2(10)      
COOP_CAR_REQUIRED_JOB COOP_CAR_REQUIRED_JOB N/Y Indicator for car in job requirement VARCHAR2(6)      
COOP_CITIZENSHIP_REQUIRED_JOB COOP_CITIZENSHIP_REQUIRED_JOB N/Y indicator if US citizenship is a job requirement VARCHAR2(6)      
COOP_CLAIMED_BY_COORD_STATUS COOP_CLAIMED_BY_COORD_STATUS Indicator of whether a co-op coordinator has assigned him/herself to the student in the PlacePro system, and by extension, in the Banner system. VARCHAR2(9)      
COOP_CONTACT_ID COOP_CONTACT_ID PlacePro system unique identifier for a contact individual at a company who is direct supervisor of placed student. NUMBER(10)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_CITY COOP_EMPLOYER_CITY City of contact individual at a company; who is direct supervisor of placed student VARCHAR2(150)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_COUNTRY COOP_EMPLOYER_COUNTRY Country of contact individual at a company; who is direct supervisor of placed student VARCHAR2(150)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_ORGANIZATION_ID COOP_EMPLOYER_ORGANIZATION_ID PlacePro system unique identifier for company name where student is placed. NUMBER(10)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_ORGANIZATION_NM COOP_EMPLOYER_ORGANIZATION_NM Company name (or business unit, not a parent org) of organization where student is placed. VARCHAR2(300)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_ORGANIZATION_NM1 COOP_EMPLOYER_ORGANIZATION_NM1 Parent company name to aggregate multiple companies (business units) students are placed at. VARCHAR2(150)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_STATE COOP_EMPLOYER_STATE State of contact individual at a company; who is direct supervisor of placed student VARCHAR2(6)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_ZIPCODE COOP_EMPLOYER_ZIPCODE Zip code of contact individual at a company; who is direct supervisor of placed student VARCHAR2(60)      
COOP_INDUSTRY_OF_JOB COOP_INDUSTRY_OF_JOB General Field of the industry VARCHAR2(150)      
COOP_JOBPLACEMENT_ID COOP_JOBPLACEMENT_ID PlacePro system unique identifier for a co-op placement in a particular job for a particular time. NUMBER(6)      
COOP_JOB_CLASSIFICATION_TYPE COOP_JOB_CLASSIFICATION_TYPE Differentiation between domestic and international job type VARCHAR2(45)      
COOP_JOB_FINISH_DT COOP_JOB_FINISH_DT Indicates the end date for the Coop assignment. Prior to academic year 2013, may contain nulls which are assumed to be standard end date. DATE      
COOP_JOB_ID COOP_JOB_ID PlacePro system unique identifier for job (title) a student is placed in. NUMBER(10)      
COOP_JOB_OWNER_ID COOP_JOB_OWNER_ID NUID of the Co-op coordinator who is the primary owner of the student VARCHAR2(60)      
COOP_JOB_START_DT COOP_JOB_START_DT Indicates the start date for the Coop assignment. Prior to academic year 2013, may contain nulls which are assumed to be standard start date. DATE      
COOP_JOB_TITLE COOP_JOB_TITLE Job title of co-op placement. VARCHAR2(150)      
COOP_PLACEMENT_COUNT COOP_PLACEMENT_COUNT Always equal to 1. Can be used to aggregate totals. VARCHAR2(3)      
COOP_PLACEMENT_TYPE COOP_PLACEMENT_TYPE Indicator of whether co-op placement was in an assignment which is "Not Experiential" (traditional-remunerated co-op employment) or "Experiential" (non-remunerated independent study, volunteer). VARCHAR2(75)      
COOP_REGIONAL_LOCATION_JOB COOP_REGIONAL_LOCATION_JOB General region area of Coop job, used primarily to aid students when browsing job listings. VARCHAR2(765)      
COOP_SNAPSHOT_DT COOP_SNAPSHOT_DT Date of snapshot for a particular freeze DATE      
COOP_STUDENT_LEVEL   This field identifies the level of the student for the effective term as one of CP (Continuing Education CPS), UP (CPS - Undergraduate), GP (CPS - Graduate), UG (Undergraduate Day), GR (Graduate Day), LW (Law), US (Undergraduate Specialty Programs), GS (Graduate Specialty Programs)        
COOP_STUDENT_PRIMARY_OWNER COOP_STUDENT_PRIMARY_OWNER Student's assigned co-op coordinator VARCHAR2(60)      
COOP_STUD_DEVELOP_TYPE COOP_STUD_DEVELOP_TYPE Indicator of whether co-op placement is associated to a job which was developed by co-op coordinator or student. VARCHAR2(75)      
COOP_STUD_PLACED_DT COOP_STUD_PLACED_DT Date and time when a placement of student was recorded on the PlacePro system DATE      
COOP_STUD_PLACED_PERIOD_DESC COOP_STUD_PLACED_PERIOD_DESC Description of term of co-op placement VARCHAR2(255)      
COOP_STUD_SECTION_ID COOP_STUD_SECTION_ID PlacePro system code which identifies coop length as 6MO, 4MO, etc. NUMBER(10)      
COOP_STUD_TERM_LENGTH COOP_STUD_TERM_LENGTH Description of Coop term length VARCHAR2(300)      
COOP_STUD_WAGE COOP_STUD_WAGE Student's monetary compensation for co-op employment. NUMBER(19,4)      
COOP_STUD_WAGE_TYPE_DESC COOP_STUD_WAGE_TYPE_DESC Description of PlacePro system code which identifies frequency of wage payment. VARCHAR2(255)      
COOP_STUD_WAGE_TYPE_ID COOP_STUD_WAGE_TYPE_ID PlacePro system code which identifies frequency of wage payment. NUMBER(10)      
COOP_WORK_TERM_CD COOP_WORK_TERM_CD Code which indicates the coop placement term VARCHAR2(90)      
DIVISION_DUNS   DUNS number for business co-op business entity. The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) is a proprietary system developed and managed by Dun & Bradstreet that assigns a unique numeric identifier to each participating business entity.        
EVENT EVENT a description of the predefined freeze event as one of stat date freeze, degree data freeze, end of term freeze, etc. VARCHAR2(255)      
NUID NUID Identification number assigned to a person that is used externally for all communication and correspondence with the person. VARCHAR2(10)      

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