Neu Coop Reporting Reporting View Reports

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Reporting View Target: Z_NEU_COOP_PLACEMENT_DAILY_VW - Coop Placement Daily

Description Provides job placement information for all "COOP SERVICE BASE" students on a daily basis. COOP SERVICE BASE students are active full time undergraduate or graduate students (except CPS, Law School and MBA students) who meet at least one of the criteria below - have the appropriate pattern of attendance(POA )-year of staudy(YOS) combination or the appropriate enrollment status (COOP) to be expected co-op; - have been “released” by co-op advisors in COOL to express interest in co-op jobs during a job search(in at least one of statuses:declared in COOL, or claimed by coordinator, or released to see jobs). This information is provided in corelation to registrar term(s).

Target Column Business Name Business Definition Database Data Type Domain Value Source Name Source Column
ACADEMIC_PERIOD   Each currently active academic term according to events calendar. VARCHAR2(10)      
COOP_CLAIMED_BY_COORD_STATUS Claimed_by_Coordinator Indicator of whether the student is claimed by a co-op coordinator. VARCHAR2(50)      
COOP_COLLEGE_CD Student_College_Code Indicates paid or unpaid co-op, and if paid, whether payment is stipend or hourly VARCHAR2(2)      
COOP_COLLEGE_DESC Student_College_Desc Description of college of the student. VARCHAR2(50)      
COOP_CONTACT_ID COOP_Employer_Contact_ID PlacePro system unique identifier for the person at the employer who is supervising the student. NUMBER(6)      
COOP_DECLARE_COOL_STATUS Declared_in_COOL Indicator of whether the student or co-op advisor has declared student's intention to seek co-op for the co-op term in PlacePro/COOL. VARCHAR2(10)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_CITY COOP_Employer_Contact_City City of employer supervisor associated to the co-op placement VARCHAR2(255)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_COUNTRY COOP_Employer_Contact_Country Country of employer supervisor associated to the co-op placement VARCHAR2(255)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_ORG_ID COOP_Employer_Org_Id PlacePro system unique identifier for an employer/company. NUMBER(6)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_ORG_NM Coop_Employer_Org_Name Employer/company name VARCHAR2(255)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_ORG_NM1 COOP_Employer_Parent_Org_Name Parent employer organization name associated to company VARCHAR2(255)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_STATE COOP_Employer_Contact_State State of employer supervisor associated to placement VARCHAR2(10)      
COOP_EMPLOYER_ZIPCODE COOP_Employer_Contact_Zip Zip Code of employer supervisor associated to the co-op placement VARCHAR2(20)      
COOP_JOBPLACEMENT_ID COOP_Jobplacement_ID PlacePro system unique identifier for a co-op placement in a particular job for a particular time. NUMBER(6)      
COOP_JOB_CLASSIFICATION_TYPE COOP_Job_Classification_Type Indicator of whether co-op placement is based geographically within the United States (domestic) or outside the United States (international) VARCHAR2(50)      
COOP_JOB_FINISH_DT COOP_Job_Finish_Date Job finish date-optional; not required to be recorded by co-op advisors as start and end dates of co-op for students presented in this view are standardized across all colleges. DATE      
COOP_JOB_ID COOP_Job_ID PlacePro system unique identifier for job. NUMBER(6)      
COOP_JOB_START_DT COOP_Job_Start_Date Job start date-optional; not required to be recorded by co-op advisors as start and end dates of co-op for students presented in this view are standardized across all colleges. DATE      
COOP_JOB_TITLE COOP_Student_Job_Title Job Title of job student is placed in VARCHAR2(50)      
COOP_PLACED_IND Student_COOP_Placed_Status Indicator showing whether student is placed in co-op or not placed in co-op. VARCHAR2(4)      
COOP_PLACEMENT_COUNT   Used as a counter NUMBER(1)      
COOP_PLACEMENT_TYPE Placement_Type Indicator of whether student is placed in Employer-based co-op (previously named as Not Experiential) or an independent study or voluntary co-op assignment (previously named as Experiential). VARCHAR2(50)      
COOP_RELEASED_TOSEEJOB_STATUS Released_to_See_Jobs Indicator of whether the student is released by co-op coordinator to express interest in, and view jobs in COOL during job search. VARCHAR2(50)      
COOP_SNAPSHOT_DT As_of_Date Date of data snapshot DATE      
COOP_STUDENT_EXPECTED_STATUS Student_COOP_Eligible_Status Indicator of whether the student has year of study + pattern or enrollment status to be eligible to be on co-op for the co-op term. VARCHAR2(3)      
COOP_STUDENT_GRAD_STATUS Student_Level Student level classification indicating whether the student is an Undergraduate (U) or a Graduate (G) student. VARCHAR2(100)      
COOP_STUDENT_PRIMARY_OWNER COOP_Student_Coordinator_NUID NUID of the Co-op coordinator who is the primary owner of the student. VARCHAR2(9)      
COOP_STUD_DEVELOP_TYPE COOP_Student_Job_Develop_Type Indicates whether placement was student or coordinator developed. VARCHAR2(50)      
COOP_STUD_ID COOP_Student_ID PlacePro system unique identifier for a student. NUMBER(6)      
COOP_STUD_PLACED_DT COOP_Student_Placed_Date Date and time that placement of student was recorded on database DATE      
COOP_STUD_PLACED_PERIOD_DESC Academic_Term Description of term of co-op placement VARCHAR2(50)      
COOP_STUD_TERM_LENGTH COOP_Student_Term_Length PlacePro "Section" label indicating length of co-op placement. VARCHAR2(20)      
COOP_STUD_WAGE COOP_Student_Wage Dollar amount of wage usually expressed in association with wage type. NUMBER(8,2)      
COOP_STUD_WAGE_TYPEID COOP_Student_Wage_TypeID Placepro single digit code for wage type, usually expressed in association with wage dollar amount NUMBER      
COOP_WORK_TERM_CD COOP_Work_Term_ Co-op Term code that student is released for, or eligible to be on coop for, or is placed for. VARCHAR2(12)      
ID Student_NUID Northeastern University (NUID) is the unique primary person identifier, publicly distributable and permanently assigned to each university constituent. VARCHAR2(10)      
WAGE_TYPE_DESC Wage_Type_Description Indicates paid or unpaid co-op, and if paid, whether payment is stipend or hourly VARCHAR2(50)      

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