Neu Student Accounts Reporting Reporting View Reports

SGHE Banner Operational Data Store
Reporting View Target: Z_NEU_COLLEGE_REVENUE_VW

Description View contains one record for each student for each detail code, creating a more accurate reporting environment and improving flexibility in reporting sum of tuition transactions by detail code.

Target Column Business Name Business Definition Database Data Type Domain Value Source Name Source Column
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_NUFREEZE ACADEMIC_PERIOD_NUFREEZE Academic term describes when course/class data was frozen corresponding to event in academic calendar (defined by student level). VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_YEAR ACADEMIC_YEAR Academic year associated with academic Period Nufreeze VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
ACCOUNT_INDEX ACCOUNT_INDEX 6 Digit number that represents the Banner Fund, Organization and Program. Indexes are used for ease of data entry VARCHAR2(6 CHAR)      
AMOUNT_TRANS AMOUNT_TRANS Total amount summed by detail code by term by student NUMBER      
B_ACCOUNT B_ACCOUNT Identifies the type of revenue or expense used in the transaction VARCHAR2(6 CHAR)      
B_FUND B_FUND Funds are 6 digit codes that represent a source of funding. The first digit of the fund code will identify the type of fund: 2xxxxx = Current Fund 3xxxxx = Designated 4xxxxx = Endowment 5xxxxx = Grants & Contracts 6xxxxx = Restricted 7xxxxx = Plant Funds 8xxxxx = SABO VARCHAR2(6 CHAR)      
B_FUND_DESC B_FUND_DESC Description of the Fund code VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
B_ORGANIZATION B_ORGANIZATION The organization code identifies a unit of budgetary responsibility and/or departments within an institution. Organizations are 6 digit codes that always begin with the number 1. VARCHAR2(6 CHAR)      
B_ORGANIZATION_DESC B_ORGANIZATION_DESC Description of the organization value VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
B_PROGRAM B_PROGRAM Programs are four digit codes used for financial statement purposes. VARCHAR2(6 CHAR)      
B_PROGRAM_DESC B_PROGRAM_DESC Description of the program value VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
COHORT_1 COHORT_1 A specific group of students that have a common attribute(s). NU generally uses a start date as a common attribute. For IPEDS reporting, as well as management reports, a student cohort is commonly defined as a collective group of first-time entrants to our institution who enrolled at the census date in programs leading to a certificate, associate or baccalaureate, or other degree. This cohort is first-time full-time freshmen & first-time full-time transfers. Example: 201310FN (New student as of Fall 2013 term) VARCHAR2(200 CHAR)      
COHORT_1_DESC COHORT_1_DESC Description for Cohort_1 VARCHAR2(1020 CHAR)      
COLLEGE COLLEGE This field identifies the college associated with the primary curriculum for the effective term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
COLLEGE_DESC COLLEGE_DESC Description for College VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
DEGREE DEGREE Degree or award code associated with the academic study. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
DEGREE_DESC DEGREE_DESC Degree code description. For example, bachelor of business administration, master of arts, juris doctor, etc VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
DEGREE_IPED_CODE DEGREE_IPED_CODE IPEDS Code associated with student degree Examples: 2 - Cert between 1 and 2 years 3 - Associate 4 - Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of (at least 2 but less than 4 academic years) 5 - Bachelors 6 - Post baccalaureate certificate 7 - Masters 8 - Post-master's certificate 9 - Doctorate (Retired as of Fall 2010) 17 -Doctor-Research/Scholarship 18 - Doctor - Professional Practice 19 - Doctor Other 99 - No Degree VARCHAR2(3 CHAR)      
DETAIL_CODE DETAIL_CODE Code that determines where financial transactions will be fed into the accounting system. i.e. Tuition, Financial Aid, Housing, Meals, etc VARCHAR2(4 CHAR)      
DETAIL_CODE_DESC DETAIL_CODE_DESC Description of the detail code value VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
DIVISION_CODE DIVISION_CODE Level 3 organization within this organization hierarchy. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
DIVISION_DESC DIVISION_DESC Description of Division Code VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
DUAL_MAJOR_IND COMBINED_MAJOR_IND Flag indicating that the student is pursuing two majors. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
ENROLLED_IND ENROLLED_IND Indicates whether the student's enrollment status includes them in headcounts. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
ENROLLMENT_STATUS ENROLLMENT_STATUS Identifies student enrollment code VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
ENROLLMENT_STATUS_DESC ENROLLMENT_STATUS_DESC Description for student Enrollment Status VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
EVENT EVENT A description of the predefined freeze event as one of stat date freeze, degree data freeze, end of term freeze, etc. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
FIRST_NAME FIRST_NAME The first name given to a person at birth, baptism, another naming ceremony or through legal change. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FISCAL_YEAR FISCAL_YEAR The year terminology in student accounts refers to a year associated with the tuition transaction for a student. Please note that the tuition revenue for full summer terms spans over two fiscal years, and the dollar amounts are split in half for each term in each fiscal year. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
FISCAL_YEAR_DESC FISCAL_YEAR_DESC Description for Fiscal Year VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
HOME_DETAIL_CODE_IND HOME_DETAIL_CODE_IND Indicated whether the detail code for the tuition transaction corresponds to the home college of the student. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
ID ID Northeastern University ID (NUID) is the unique primary person identifier, publicly distributable and permanently assigned to each university constituent. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
LAST_NAME LAST_NAME The last name by which a person is known. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MAJOR_DESC_NU1 MAJOR_DESC_NU1 Description for Major 1 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MAJOR_NU1 MAJOR_NU1 This field identifies the primary major within the primary curriculum for the effective term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MIDDLE_NAME MIDDLE_NAME A secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, another naming ceremony, or through legal change. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
NEU_HBM_PROGRAM_GROUP_CD NEU_HBM_PROGRAM_GROUP_CD Identifies the record as one of Doctoral, Professional Practice/Masters/Other Graduate, or Non-Degree based on the students Degree IPEDS Code. Logic for calculating field: Degree IPEDS Code Values: 6,7,8,18 NEU HBM Program Description: Professional practice/masters/other graduated Degree IPEDS Code Values: 17, 19 NEU HBM Program Description: Doctoral Degree IPEDS Code Values: 3, 4, 5 NEU HBM Program Description: Undergraduate Degree IPEDS Code Values: 99, 2 NEU HBM Program Description: Non-Degree VARCHAR2(3 CHAR)      
NEU_HBM_PROGRAM_GROUP_DESC NEU_HBM_PROGRAM_GROUP_DESC Description of NEU_HBM_PROGRAM_GROUP_CD Logic for calculating field: Degree IPEDS Code Values: 6,7,8,18 NEU HBM Program Description: Professional practice/masters/other graduated Degree IPEDS Code Values: 17, 19 NEU HBM Program Description: Doctoral Degree IPEDS Code Values: 3, 4, 5 NEU HBM Program Description: Undergraduate Degree IPEDS Code Values: 99, 2 NEU HBM Program Description: Non-Degree VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
NU_FREEZE_DATE NU_FREEZE_DATE Actual date the data was frozen DATE      
PERSON_UID PERSON_UID System generated Banner unique ID which gets assigned to all person and non-person records within Banner. NUMBER(8)      
PROGRAM_DESC_NU1 PROGRAM_DESC_NU1 Description for primary program. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_DESC_NU2 PROGRAM_DESC_NU2 Description for Program 2 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_NU1 PROGRAM_NU1 Classification of academic breakdown defined as a primary combination of program, student level, course, degree, and level. May also contain majors, minors, and concentrations. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_NU2 PROGRAM_NU2 Classification of academic breakdown defined as a secondary combination of program, student level, course, degree, and level. May also contain majors, minors, and concentrations. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
REGISTERED_IND REGISTERED_IND Flag that indicates student is registered in at least one term VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
STUDENT_DEPARTMENT_CODE STUDENT_DEPARTMENT_CODE Department responsible for the student's academic study. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_LEVEL STUDENT_LEVEL This field identifies the level of the student for the effective term as one of CP(Continuing Education CPS), UP(CPS - Undergraduate), GP(CPS - Graduate), UG(Undergraduate Day), GR(Graduate Day), LW(Law) VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_LEVEL_DESC STUDENT_LEVEL_DESC Description for Student Level VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_POPULATION STUDENT_POPULATION This field identifies the student type for the effective term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_STATUS STUDENT_STATUS Student's current status for the academic period. May include active, inactive due to graduation or withdrawal. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      

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