Neu Student Reporting Reporting View Reports

SGHE Banner Operational Data Store
Reporting View Target: Z_NEU_CENSUS_ENROLLMENT_VW - Enrollment Census

Description Provides snapshot of detailed student information as enrolled/taking classes for each Academic Period (Reg. term). Examples: College, Course Reference Number,Course Department, etc Data snapshots are taken at Census time(stat time) starting from Fall 2009 going forward.

Target Column Business Name Business Definition Database Data Type Domain Value Source Name Source Column
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_EFF Academic_Period Academic term when student data was frozen corresponding to an event in the academic calendar (defined by student level) VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_EFF_DESC Academic_Period_Desc Description for Academic Period VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_ENROLL Academic_Period_Enrolled Academic term for the course in which a student is enrolled. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_ENROLL_DESC Academic_Period_Enrolled_Desc Description for Academic Period Enrolled VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_RANK Academic_Rank A code representing faculty designation-rank in a college or university. VARCHAR2(9 CHAR)      
ACADEMIC_RANK_DESC Academic_Rank_Desc Description for Academic Rank VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
ACTUAL_ENROLLMENT Actual_Enrollment Total number of students enrolled in course section. The students counting in the actual enrollment have a course status defined to count as enrolled. NUMBER(5)      
CAMPUS Course_Campus_Code Code defines campus at which a class is being offered. Can either be a physical location or virtual for online classes. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVCAMP    
CAMPUS_DESC Course_Campus_Description Description for Campus VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
COLLEGE Student_College_Code College or school which is offering the class VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVCOLL    
COLLEGE_DESC Student_College_Description Description for College VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
CONTINUING_EDUCATION_IND Continuing_Ed_Ind Indicates whether or not the class is offered for continuing education credit. VARCHAR2(1)      
COOPERATIVE_EDUCATION_IND Cooperative_Ed_Ind Indicates that the class is a coop placement VARCHAR2(1)      
CORE_CAPSTONE_IND CORE_CAPSTONE_IND Records if class fulfills Capstone requirement.        
COURSE_BILLING_CREDITS Course_Billing_Credits Billing units associated with this section or schedule offering. NUMBER(11,3)      
COURSE_COLLEGE Course_College_Code College or school to which the course instructional responsibility is associated. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
COURSE_COLLEGE_DESC Course_College_Desc_ College or school name. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
COURSE_CREDITS Course_Credits Academic Credits associated with this course, credits which appear on your transcript. NUMBER(11,3)      
COURSE_IDENTIFICATION Course_Identification Combined subject code and course number that identifies the instructional content of this course. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
COURSE_NUMBER Course_Number Number identifying the course within the subject. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER Course_Reference_Number Universally referred to as the 'CRN', this is a computer assigned internal unique 5 digit numeric identifier for the schedule offering for a specific section within a specific term. Please note: The course reference number for a given class will be different from term to term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
CURRENT_TIME_STATUS Student_Attendance_Status_Code This field identifies whether the student is taking a full or part-time credit load (which varies by student level) for the given term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVTMST    
CURRENT_TIME_STATUS_DESC Student_Attendance_Status_Desc Description for Current Time Status VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
DEGREE Degree Degree or award code associated with the student's academic study. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVDEGC    
DEGREE_DESC Degree_Desc Degree code description. For example, bachelor of business administration, master of arts, juris doctor, etc. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
DEPARTMENT Course_Department_Code Course department responsible for the instructional delivery of this offering. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
DEPARTMENT_DESC Course_Department_Desc_ Description for Course Department. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
DUAL_MAJOR_IND Combined_Major_Ind Flag indicating that the student is pursuing two majors. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
ENROLLED_IND Enrolled_Indicator Indicates whether the student's enrollment status includes them in headcounts. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
ENROLLMENT_STATUS Enrollment_Status_Code Identifies student enrollment code for given term, such as: EL = Eligible CO = Coop SA = Study Abroad LA = Leave of Absence VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVESTS    
ENROLLMENT_STATUS_DESC Enrollment_Status_Desc Description for student Enrollment Status VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
EVENT Event A description of the predefined snapshot event as one of stat date freeze, degree data freeze, end of term freeze, etc. CHAR(63 CHAR)      
FACULTY_MEMBER_CATEGORY Faculty_Member_Category Category assigned to the faculty or academic staff member. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FACULTY_MEMBER_CATEGORY_DESC Faculty_Member_Category_Desc Description for faculty member category VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
FACULTY_TENURE   Tenure is an employee status with respect to permanence of their position. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FIRST_NAME Student_First_Name The first name given to a person at birth, baptism, another naming ceremony or through legal change. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
FREEZE_DATE Freeze_Date Actual date the data was frozen DATE      
FULL_PART_TIME_IND Instructor_Full_Part_Time_Ind Indicates whether the instructor is full or part time faculty. VARCHAR2(5 CHAR)      
HONORS_TYPE Honors_Type Indicates whether a course is part of the Honors program, and if so, what type of Honors course it is. There are Honors Department courses which are offered centrally and are unique to the Honors program, and there are Honors Section courses, which carry the same course numbers and departmental prefix as non-honors sections offered through the colleges but have a range of different distinctive profiles relative to other departmental courses, sometimes they have fewer students, they may use different source materials, or cover the subject matter in a modified way. If a course is not one of these two options, it will be designated as Not Honors. VARCHAR2(63)      
ID Student_NUID Northeastern University ID (NUID) is the unique primary person identifier, publicly distributable and permanently assigned to each university constituent. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
INSTRUCTIONAL_METHOD Instructional_Method_Code Method of content delivery for this class. VARCHAR2(5) GTVINSM    
INSTRUCTIONAL_METHOD_DESC Instructional_Method_Desc Description for Instructional Method VARCHAR2(255)      
INSTRUCTOR_HR_DEPT   Currently Under Review VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
INSTRUCTOR_HR_DEPT_DESC   Description for Instructor HR Dept ID. Department descriptions differ in Fall 2011/Spring 2012 due to PeopleSoft conversion. Use department code rather than description when pulling data during this crossover time. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
INSTRUCTOR_HR_DIV   Currently Under Review VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
INSTRUCTOR_HR_DIV_DESC   Currently Under Review VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
INSTRUCTOR_JOB_GRADE Instructor_Job_Grade The employee identifier which indicates broad job function and hierarchy within that function. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
INSTRUCTOR_ROLE Instructor_Role Instructor's Role as one of Staff, faculty, SGA VARCHAR2(9 CHAR)      
LAST_NAME Student_Last_Name The last name by which a person is known. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MAJOR Primary_Major_Code This field identifies the primary major within the primary curriculum for the effective term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
MAJOR_DESC Primary_Major_Desc_ Description for Major VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MAXIMUM_ENROLLMENT Maximum_Enrollment Sets the maximum enrollment for a course section. NUMBER(5)      
MEETING_TIME Meeting_Time Indicates the day(s) and time(s) this class meets. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
MIDDLE_NAME Student_Middle_Name A secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, another naming ceremony, or through legal change. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
OFFERING_NUMBER Course_Section_Number The two digit number identifying this particular section of the course. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PERSON_UID Student_PIDM System generated Banner unique ID which gets assigned to all person and non-person records within Banner. NUMBER(8)      
POA_CODE Student_POA_Code Latest pattern of attendance over time. VARCHAR2(8 CHAR)      
POA_DESC Student_POA_Desc POA Code description VARCHAR2(200 CHAR)      

Business Definition
Employee class code. Organizes position information consistent with employee groupings. At the employee level, it's used to help determine controls for benefits, leave, payroll and self-service rules.

VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      

Business Definition
Employee class description.

VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
PRIMARY_INSTRUCTOR_FIRST_NAME Primary_Instructor_First_Name This field identifies instructor's first name VARCHAR2(60 CHAR)      
PRIMARY_INSTRUCTOR_ID Primary_Instructor_NUID Northeastern Identification number assigned to the primary instructor. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PRIMARY_INSTRUCTOR_LAST_NAME Primary_Instructor_Last_Name This field identifies instructor's last name VARCHAR2(60 CHAR)      
PROGRAM Primary_Program_Code Classification of academic breakdown defined as a primary combination of program, student level, course, degree, and level. May also contain majors, minors, and concentrations. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
PROGRAM_DESC Primary_Program_Desc Description for Program Nu1 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
REGISTERED_IND Registered_Indicator

Business Definition
Indicates whether the student is registered for the current academic period.

Business Logic
If no Registration record exists for the current term AND No Academic History record exists for the current term then assign Registered Indicator code N (Not Registered).
If a Registration record exists for the current term OR An Academic History record exists for the current term then assign Registered Indicator code Y (Registered).

Valid Values

VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
REGISTRATION_STATUS Registration_Status_Code Course registration status associated with this section. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
REGISTRATION_STATUS_DATE Registration_Status_Date Date associated with the course registration status of this section. DATE      
REGISTRATION_STATUS_DESC Registration_Status_Desc Description for course registration status VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE1 Schedule_Attribute1 Identifies one of many possible Scheduling Attributes to be tracked for detailed information pertaining to course/section for requirements and used for reporting groups of courses for curriculum purposes in a timely correlated with course record . Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for Scheduling 1 and Attribute 2 for Scheduling 2 ETC. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE2 Schedule_Attribute2 Identifies one of many possible Scheduling Attributes to be tracked for detailed information pertaining to course/section for requirements and used for reporting groups of courses for curriculum purposes in a timely correlated with course record . Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for Scheduling 1 and Attribute 2 for Scheduling 2 ETC. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE3 Schedule_Attribute3 Identifies one of many possible Scheduling Attributes to be tracked for detailed information pertaining to course/section for requirements and used for reporting groups of courses for curriculum purposes in a timely correlated with course record . Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for Scheduling 1 and Attribute 2 for Scheduling 2 ETC. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE4 Schedule_Attribute4 Identifies one of many possible Scheduling Attributes to be tracked for detailed information pertaining to course/section for requirements and used for reporting groups of courses for curriculum purposes in a timely correlated with course record . Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for Scheduling 1 and Attribute 2 for Scheduling 2 ETC. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE5 Schedule_Attribute5 Identifies one of many possible Scheduling Attributes to be tracked for detailed information pertaining to course/section for requirements and used for reporting groups of courses for curriculum purposes in a timely correlated with course record . Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for Scheduling 1 and Attribute 2 for Scheduling 2 ETC. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE_DESC1 Schedule_Attribute_Desc1 Identifies one of many possible Scheduling Attributes to be tracked for detailed information pertaining to course/section for requirements and used for reporting groups of courses for curriculum purposes in a timely correlated with course record . Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for Scheduling 1 and Attribute 2 for Scheduling 2 ETC. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE_DESC2 Schedule_Attribute_Desc2 Identifies one of many possible Scheduling Attributes to be tracked for detailed information pertaining to course/section for requirements and used for reporting groups of courses for curriculum purposes in a timely correlated with course record . Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for Scheduling 1 and Attribute 2 for Scheduling 2 ETC. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE_DESC3 Schedule_Attribute_Desc3 Identifies one of many possible Scheduling Attributes to be tracked for detailed information pertaining to course/section for requirements and used for reporting groups of courses for curriculum purposes in a timely correlated with course record . Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for Scheduling 1 and Attribute 2 for Scheduling 2 ETC. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE_DESC4 Schedule_Attribute_Desc4 Identifies one of many possible Scheduling Attributes to be tracked for detailed information pertaining to course/section for requirements and used for reporting groups of courses for curriculum purposes in a timely correlated with course record . Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for Scheduling 1 and Attribute 2 for Scheduling 2 ETC. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE_DESC5 Schedule_Attribute_Desc5 Identifies one of many possible Scheduling Attributes to be tracked for detailed information pertaining to course/section for requirements and used for reporting groups of courses for curriculum purposes in a timely correlated with course record . Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for Scheduling 1 and Attribute 2 for Scheduling 2 ETC. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_TYPE Schedule_Type_Code Instructional delivery methods authorized for a course. Each course must be authorized to be offered for at least one schedule type. An unlimited number of schedule types can be authorized for a course (i.e., lecture, lab, internet, correspondence, etc.). VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
SCHEDULE_TYPE_DESC Schedule_Type_Desc Description for Schedule type VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STATUS Section_Status_Code Current course section status as one of active or cancelled. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVSSTS    
STATUS_DESC Section_Status_Desc_ Description for Status VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_CONCAT Student_Attribute_Concat A concatenation of the student attributes. Attribute concatenation begins with 201425 academic term freeze. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_CONCAT_DESC Student_Attribute_Concat_Desc A concatenation of the student attributes. Attribute concatenation begins with 201425 academic term freeze. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC_NU1 Student_Attribute_Desc_1 Description for Student Attribute Nu1 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC_NU2 Student_Attribute_Desc_2 Description for Student Attribute Nu2 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC_NU3 Student_Attribute_Desc_3 Description for Student Attribute Nu3 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC_NU4 Student_Attribute_Desc_4 Description for Student Attribute Nu4 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC_NU5 Student_Attribute_Desc_5 Description for Student Attribute 5 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_NU1 Student_Attribute_1 Identifies one of many possible student attributes to be tracked for the person and used for reporting groups of students timely correlated with student record (some attribute stay with a student forever, while others come and go on a nightly basis). Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for StudentA and Attribute2 for StudentB. StudentA - Attribute1: HONA StudentA - Attribute2: TSHP StudentB - Attribute1: TSHP StudentB - Attribute2: HONA VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_NU2 Student_Attribute_2 Identifies one of many possible student attributes to be tracked for the person and used for reporting groups of students timely correlated with student record (some attribute stay with a student forever, while others come and go on a nightly basis). Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for StudentA and Attribute2 for StudentB. StudentA - Attribute1: HONA StudentA - Attribute2: TSHP StudentB - Attribute1: TSHP StudentB - Attribute2: HONA VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_NU3 Student_Attribute_3 Identifies one of many possible student attributes to be tracked for the person and used for reporting groups of students timely correlated with student record (some attribute stay with a student forever, while others come and go on a nightly basis). Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for StudentA and Attribute2 for StudentB. StudentA - Attribute1: HONA StudentA - Attribute2: TSHP StudentB - Attribute1: TSHP StudentB - Attribute2: HONA VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_NU4 Student_Attribute_4 Identifies one of many possible student attributes to be tracked for the person and used for reporting groups of students timely correlated with student record (some attribute stay with a student forever, while others come and go on a nightly basis). Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for StudentA and Attribute2 for StudentB. StudentA - Attribute1: HONA StudentA - Attribute2: TSHP StudentB - Attribute1: TSHP StudentB - Attribute2: HONA VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_NU5 Student_Attribute_5 Identifies one of many possible student attributes to be tracked for the person and used for reporting groups of students timely correlated with student record (some attribute stay with a student forever, while others come and go on a nightly basis). Please note that attribute fields are not in any sequential order; same data may appear in Attribute1 for StudentA and Attribute2 for StudentB. StudentA - Attribute1: HONA StudentA - Attribute2: TSHP StudentB - Attribute1: TSHP StudentB - Attribute2: HONA VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_CLASSIFICATION Student_Classification_Code Identifies the student classification (i.e. year in school) after grades have been processed for this academic period. For example, freshman, sophomore, etc. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_CLASSIFICATION_DESC Student_Classification_Desc Student's classification description. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_DEPARTMENT Student_Department_Code Department responsible for the student's academic study. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
STUDENT_DEPARTMENT_DESC Student_Department_Desc Description for Student Department VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_LEVEL Student_Level_Code This field identifies the level of the student for the effective term as one of CP(Continuing Education CPS), UP(CPS - Undergraduate), GP(CPS - Graduate), UG(Undergraduate Day), GR(Graduate Day), LW(Law) VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVLEVL    
STUDENT_LEVEL_DESC Student_Level_Desc Description for Student Level VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_POPULATION Student_Population_Code This field identifies the student type for the effective term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVSTYP    
STUDENT_POPULATION_DESC Student_Population_Desc Description for Student Population VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
STUDENT_RESIDENCY Student_Residency_Code Residency of the student as one of full-time, full-time international, part-time, part-time international. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVRESD    
STUDENT_RESIDENCY_DESC Student_Residency_Desc_ Description for Student Residency VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SUBJECT Course_Subject_Code Main instructional subject area for this course. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVSUBJ    
SUBJECT_DESC Course_Subject_Desc Description for Subject VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
SUB_ACADEMIC_PERIOD SUB_ACADEMIC_PERIOD Code for part of academic term in which the class takes place.        
TITLE_LONG_DESC Course_Title_Description_Long Unabbreviated class title, including some HTML coding so titles appear correctly on website. VARCHAR2(255)      
TITLE_SHORT_DESC Title_Short_Desc_ Abbreviated class title, limited to 30 characters. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
WITHDRAWAL_REASON Withdrawal_Reason_Code Reason for the student's withdrawal from this institution. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
WITHDRAWAL_REASON_DESC Withdrawal_Reason_Desc_ Description for Withdrawal Reason NEU VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
YEAR_OF_STUDY POA_Year_of_Study Latest year of study correlated to the POA code. NUMBER(2)      

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