Argos Custom Data Dictionaries Reporting View Reports

SGHE Banner Operational Data Store

Description Provides the expected enrollment status for active students and their future academic terms based on the current Pattern of Attendance (POA). Results are based on the current (Daily not Census) Pattern of Attendance (POA) and Year of Study (YOS).

Target Column Business Name Business Definition Database Data Type Domain Value Source Name Source Column
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.ACAD_ADVISOR_ID Academic_Advisor_NUID NUID of advisor that provides general guidance on academic matters and assist students in their progress from orientation through graduation. Assists UG students with class selection. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.ACAD_ADV_NAME Academic_Advisor_Name Academic Advisor's full name in first middle last name format. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.COLLEGE Student_College This field identifies the college associated with the student's primary curriculum for the effective term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVCOLL    
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.COLLEGE_DESC Student_College_Desc Description for College VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.ENROLLMENT_STATUS Current_Enrollment_Status Identifies student enrollment code for given term, such as: EL = Eligible CO = Coop SA = Study Abroad LA = Leave of Absence VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVESTS    
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.ENROLLMENT_STATUS_DESC Enrollment_Status_Desc Description for student enrollment status VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.FIRST_CONCENTRATION_DESC_NU1 Concentration_Desc Description for First Concentration Nu1 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.FIRST_CONCENTRATION_NU1 Concentration First concentration attached to the primary major. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.FIRST_NAME First_Name The first name given to a person at birth, baptism, another naming ceremony or through legal change. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.GRAD_YEAR_INTENDED Grad_Year_Intended Expected year of graduation, initially set based on certain criteria and may be adjusted throughout students terms. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.ID NUID Northeastern University ID (NUID) is the unique primary person identifier, publicly distributable and permanently assigned to each university constituent. VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.LAST_NAME Last_Name The last name by which a person is known. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.MAJOR_DESC_NU1 Major_Desc Description for Major Nu1 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.MAJOR_NU1 Major This field identifies the primary major within the primary curriculum for the effective term. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.POA_CODE POA_Code Pattern of attendance for student during effective term. For full list, see the following link: http://www.northeastern.edu/registrar/ref-udc-poa-ugd.pdf to the Registrar's website. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.POA_YOS Year_of_Study Latest year of study correlated to the POA code NUMBER(2)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.PROGRAM_DESC_NU1 Program_Desc Description for Program Nu1 VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.PROGRAM_NU1 Program The combination of student level, course level, college and degree. Tied to (via curriculum rules) majors, minors, and concentrations. VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.REGISTERED_IND Registered_Ind Flag that indicates student is registered for at least one class in the term selected. VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.STUDENT_LEVEL Student_Level This field identifies the level of the student for the effective term as one of CP (Continuing Education CPS), UP (CPS - Undergraduate), GP (CPS - Graduate), UG (Undergraduate Day), GR (Graduate Day), LW (Law), US (Undergraduate Specialty Programs), GS (Graduate Specialty Programs) VARCHAR2(63 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.STUDENT_LEVEL_DESC Student_Level_Desc Description for Student Level VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.STUDENT_POPULATION Student_Population This field identifies the student type for the effective term, such as: N = New C = Continuing S = Special X = Exchange VARCHAR2(63 CHAR) STVSTYP    
Z_NEU_STUDENT_DAILY_VW.STUDENT_POPULATION_DESC Student_Population_Desc Description for Student Population. VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STU_EXPECTED_POA_VW.POA_BASED_ENRL_STATUS Expected_Enrollment_Status Identifies student enrollment code for future term, such as: EL = Eligible CO = COOP SA = Study Abroad LA = Leave of Absence VARCHAR2(2 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STU_EXPECTED_POA_VW.POA_BASED_ENRL_STATUS_DESC Expected_Enrollment_Status_Description Description for student future enrollment status VARCHAR2(30 CHAR)      
Z_NEU_STU_EXPECTED_POA_VW.POA_BASED_EXPECTED_ENRL_TERM Future_Academic_Term Future enrollment term based on the current Pattern of Attendance. VARCHAR2(42 CHAR)      

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