Human Resources Composite View Reports

SGHE Banner Operational Data Store

Description Contains payroll history and related job history information specific to each payroll.

Target Column Business Name Business Definition Database Data Type Domain Value Source Name Source Column
ADJUST_BY_DATE   Date of the pay event that adjusts this pay event. DATE      
ADJUST_BY_SEQUENCE_NUMBER   Sequence number of the pay event that adjusts this pay event. VARCHAR2(2)      
ADJUST_DATE   Date of the pay event that this event adjusts. DATE      
ADJUST_SEQUENCE_NUMBER   Sequence number of the pay event that this one adjusts. NUMBER(2)      
APPOINTMENT_PCT   Percentage of positions salary used to calculate employees salary. NUMBER(5, 2)      
ASSOCIATED_SEQUENCE_NUMBER   The sequence of the event that corresponds to this event for two step adjustments. NUMBER(2)      
BASE_SALARY_HOURS   Regular hours worked during the Pay Period. NUMBER(6, 2)      
CALENDAR_YEAR   Pay Period Year for Expenditure Interface transactions. This will be null for all transactions other than Expenditure type transactions. VARCHAR2(4)      
CURRENT_DATE   System current date (sysdate) or date the data was extracted. DATE  



DEDUCTIONS_AMOUNT   Total amount of the deductions from the gross amount. NUMBER      
DEFERRED_PAY_AMOUNT   Amount deferred each pay period. NUMBER(11, 2)      
DISPOSITION   Status of this pay event through the pay cycle. VARCHAR2(2)      
DISPOSITION_DESC   Status of the pay event description. VARCHAR2(30)      
DOCUMENT_DATE   Date that will appear on the pay document. DATE      
DOCUMENT_PRINT_METHOD   Indicates if the event was manually printed outside of the sytem VARCHAR2(1)      
DOCUMENT_PRINT_METHOD_DESC   Check print method description. VARCHAR2(30)      
DOMAIN_VALUE   Organization-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. Institution defined. VARCHAR2(6)      
EMPLOYEE_CLASS_TYPE   Identifies a type of employee class that is potentially eligible for a shift premium. VARCHAR2(4)      
EMPLOYEE_CLASS_TYPE_DESC   Employee Class type code description. VARCHAR2(30)      
EMPLOYER   User-defined code used as part of the Employee_Position definition. It is often used, for example, as a means to identify different campuses within an institution, or different major functional areas. VARCHAR2(4)      
EMPLOYER_DESC   Employer description. VARCHAR2(30)      
EVENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER   Pay Event Identifying Sequence Number. NUMBER(2)      
FIRST_NAME_HISTORY First Name History First name of the person at the time of the specific pay event. VARCHAR2(60)      
FULL_ASSIGNMENT_SALARY   The salary to be paid each pay period. NUMBER(11, 2)      
FULL_TIME_EQUIVALENCY   Full time equivalency assigned to this Employee_Position. NUMBER(6, 3)      
GROSS_AMOUNT   Total gross amount of the event. NUMBER(11, 2)      
HOURLY_RATE   Rate of Pay for the Employee Position. NUMBER(11, 6)      
HOURS_PER_DAY   The number of hours a person filling this Employee Position normally works in a day. NUMBER(6, 2)      
ID_HISTORY   Identification number assigned to the person at the time of the specific pay event. VARCHAR2(9)      
JOB_SUFFIX   Suffix allows users to define a job with more precision. For example, a user could denote daytime faculty with one suffix and evening school with another. VARCHAR2(2)      
LAST_NAME_HISTORY Last Name History Last name of the person at the time of the specific pay event. VARCHAR2(60)      
LEAVE_CATEGORY   Leave category to which the employee belongs. VARCHAR2(2)      
LEAVE_CATEGORY_DESC   Leave category description or title. VARCHAR2(30)      
LONGEVITY_ELIGIBILITY   Indicates eligibility for additional longevity pay. VARCHAR2(4)      
LONGEVITY_ELIGIBILITY_DESC   Longevity code description. VARCHAR2(30)      
MIF_DESC   Institution description when the optional multi-institution facility feature has been applied. VARCHAR2(30)      
MIF_VALUE   Institution value for the record when the optional multi-institution facility feature has been applied. VARCHAR2(6)      
NET_AMOUNT   Total net amount of the event. NUMBER(11, 2)      
PAYROLL_CALCULATION_TYPE   Indicates if the pay event was calculated manually or by the system. VARCHAR2(1)      
PAYROLL_CALCULATION_TYPE_DESC   Pay event calculation description. VARCHAR2(30)      
PAYROLL_EVENT_TYPE   Indicates the type of pay event (Manual, Void, Redistribution, etc.). VARCHAR2(1)      
PAYROLL_EVENT_TYPE_DESC   Pay event type description. VARCHAR2(30)      
PAYROLL_IDENTIFIER   Pay identification number to which this Employee_Position belongs. VARCHAR2(2)      
PAYROLL_IDENTIFIER_COUNT   Number of times the employee has been paid for this payroll identifier. NUMBER(3)      
PAYROLL_IDENTIFIER_DESC   Payroll code description or title. VARCHAR2(30)      
PAYROLL_NUMBER   Used to uniquely identify a pay period within a fiscal year. NUMBER(3)      
PAYROLL_POSITION_ACTIVITY_DATE Payroll Position Activity Date Date record was inserted or updated. DATE  



PERSON_UID   System generated unique internal identification number assigned to this person. NUMBER(8)      
PER_PAY_SALARY   Salary paid each pay period. Used for deferred pay calculations. Amount Deferred = Employee Position Salary - Per Pay Salary. NUMBER(11, 2)      
POSITION   Employee Position number. VARCHAR2(6)      
POSITION_BEGIN_DATE   Date an Employee_Position became effective in the payroll system. DATE      
POSITION_CONTRACT_TYPE   Indicates whether this is the Primary, Secondary, or Overload position. VARCHAR2(1)      
POSITION_CONTRACT_TYPE_DESC   Description of the contract type VARCHAR2(30)      
POSITION_EMPLOYEE_CLASS   Employee class code. Organizes position information consistent with employee groupings. At the employee level, its used to help determine controls for benefits, leave, payroll and self-service rules. VARCHAR2(2)      
POSITION_EMPLOYEE_CLASS_DESC   Employee position class description. VARCHAR2(30)      
POSITION_END_DATE   The date until which this history Employee Position record is effective. DATE      
POSITION_STATUS   Status of the Employee_Position (Active, Terminated, Leave with Benefits, etc.) at the time of the pay event. VARCHAR2(1)      
POSITION_STATUS_DESC   Position status description. VARCHAR2(50)      
POSITION_TITLE   Description of the Employee_Position. Defaults from the position title if left blank. VARCHAR2(30)      
POSTING_OVERRIDE_DATE   Date the accounting transaction was overriden by the finance process. DATE      
PREMIUM_PAY_CATEGORY   Controls premium pay generation. VARCHAR2(4)      
PREMIUM_PAY_CATEGORY_DESC   Description of the premium pay category. VARCHAR2(30)      
PREVIOUS_FISCAL_YEAR_IND   Indicator if the retro earnings paid are for the previous fiscal year. VARCHAR2(1)      
PUBLIC_RETIREMENT_CONTRIBUTION   Public employee retirement contribution code. VARCHAR2(2)      
PUBLIC_RETIREMENT_CONT_DESC   Public employee retirement contribution code description. VARCHAR2(60)      
PUBLIC_RETIREMENT_PAY_RATE   Public employee retirement pay rate/frequency code. VARCHAR2(2)      
PUBLIC_RETIRE_PAY_RATE_DESC   Public employee retirement pay rate/frequency description. VARCHAR2(30)      
SHIFT_NUMBER   Identifies a time period during which the employee works. VARCHAR2(1)      
SHIFT_PREMIUM_AMOUNT   The additional amount (above their regular rate) an employee will earn when working this shift number. NUMBER      
SHIFT_PREMIUM_PERCENT   The additional percent (above their regular rate) an employee will earn when working this shift number. NUMBER      
STATE_RETIREMENT_ASSIGNMENT   State employee retirement assignment code. VARCHAR2(2)      
STATE_RETIREMENT_ASSIGN_DESC   State employee retirement assignment code description. VARCHAR2(30)      
STATE_RETIREMENT_CONTRIBUTION   State employee retirement contribution code. VARCHAR2(2)      
STATE_RETIREMENT_CONT_DESC   State employee retirement contribution code description. VARCHAR2(60)      
STATE_RETIREMENT_PAY_RATE   State employee retirement pay rate/frequency code. VARCHAR2(2)      
STATE_RETIREMENT_PAY_RATE_DESC   State employee retirement pay rate/frequency description. VARCHAR2(30)      
SUPPLEMENTAL_PAY_DATE   The date that the update payroll was run for supplemental pay or adjustments.. DATE      
TIMESHEET_CHART_DESC   Chart of accounts code description or title. VARCHAR2(35)      
TIMESHEET_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS   Timesheet chart of accounts. VARCHAR2(1)      
TIMESHEET_METHOD   Determines the method by which the timesheet is entered in they system. VARCHAR2(1)      
TIMESHEET_METHOD_DESC   Description of the timesheet method. VARCHAR2(30)      
TIMESHEET_ORGANIZATION   Organization to which the time sheet for this position is sent. VARCHAR2(6)      
TIMESHEET_ORGANIZATION_DESC   Organization to which this Employee_Positions time sheet is sent. VARCHAR2(35)      
TIME_ENTRY_TYPE   Type of or frequency of time entry. VARCHAR2(1)      
TIME_ENTRY_TYPE_DESC   Description of the time entry type. VARCHAR2(30)      
UNEMPLOY_INSURANCE_EXCEPTION   Associated with insurable earnings by pay period. VARCHAR2(1)      
UNEMPLOY_INSURANCE_WEEKS   Unemployment Insurance insurable for this pay period. NUMBER(5, 3)      
ZONE_VALUE   Process-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. Institution defined. VARCHAR2(6)      
