Human Resources Composite View Reports

SGHE Banner Operational Data Store

Description Provides historical information about faculty appointments.

Target Column Business Name Business Definition Database Data Type Domain Value Source Name Source Column
AAUP_MEMBER_IND   Indicates the academic staff or faculty member belongs to the American Association of University Professors. VARCHAR2(1)      
ACADEMIC_TITLE   Academic title. VARCHAR2(80)      
APPEAL_DATE   Appeal Date. DATE      
APPOINTMENT_ACTION_DATE   The Action Date will generally be the date in which the information was intiated on behalf of the faculty member and typically reflects a date for work organization. DATE      
APPOINTMENT_BEGIN_DATE   This records the offical begin date of the faculty members appointment or reappointment. DATE      
APPOINTMENT_COMMENTS   Appointment comments. VARCHAR2(4000)      
APPOINTMENT_DECISION   Appointment decision. VARCHAR2(1)      
APPOINTMENT_DECISION_DATE   Date of decision. DATE      
APPOINTMENT_DECISION_DESC   Appointment decision description. VARCHAR2(30)      
APPOINTMENT_DISCIPLINE   Discipline code. VARCHAR2(6)      
APPOINTMENT_DISCIPLINE_DESC   Discipline code description. VARCHAR2(30)      
APPOINTMENT_EFFECTIVE_DATE   Appointment Effective Date. DATE      
APPOINTMENT_END_DATE   This records the offical end date of the faculty members appointment or reappointment. DATE      
APPOINTMENT_FACULTY_TYPE   Faculty type code. VARCHAR2(6)      
APPOINTMENT_FACULTY_TYPE_DESC   Faculty type code description. VARCHAR2(30)      
APPOINTMENT_NEXT_REVIEW_DATE   Appointment Next Review Date. DATE      
APPOINTMENT_REVIEW   Appointment review code. VARCHAR2(2)      
APPOINTMENT_REVIEW_DESC   Appointment review code description. VARCHAR2(30)      
APPOINT_DECISION_DEFERRAL_DATE   Decision deferred to date. DATE      
CONTRACT_LENGTH Contract Length   VARCHAR2(1)      
CURRENT_DATE   System current date (sysdate) or date the data was extracted. DATE  



DOMAIN_VALUE   Organization-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. Institution defined. VARCHAR2(6)      
EMERITUS_STATUS_IND   Emeritus status. VARCHAR2(1)      
FACULTY_TYPE   Faculty type code. VARCHAR2(6)      
FACULTY_TYPE_DESC   Faculty type code description. VARCHAR2(30)      
INITIAL_TENURE_IND   Initial tenure record. VARCHAR2(1)      
JOB_SUFFIX   Suffix allows users to define a job with more precision. For example, a user could denote daytime faculty with one suffix and evening school with another. VARCHAR2(2)      
MIF_DESC   Institution description when the optional multi-institution facility feature has been applied. VARCHAR2(30)      
MIF_VALUE   Institution value for the record when the optional multi-institution facility feature has been applied. VARCHAR2(6)      
ORGANIZATION_CODE   Organization code. VARCHAR2(6)      
ORGANIZATION_DESC   Organization code desc. VARCHAR2(35)      
ORIGINAL_APPOINT_BEGIN_DATE   Original appointment begin date. DATE      
ORIGINAL_APPOINT_END_DATE   Original appointment end date. DATE      
PERSON_UID   System generated, unique, internal identification number assigned to this person. NUMBER(8)      
POSITION   Employee position number. VARCHAR2(6)      
POSITION_TITLE   Employee position description. VARCHAR2(30)      
PREVIOUS_INSTITUTION_CREDIT   Credit toward the number of years of service the employe may have from prior insitutions that may have some bearing on current faculty action eligibility. For Canadian College installations, this field is reported on the Annual Statistics Canada Report for Colleges. Two decimal places. NUMBER(5, 2)      
PREVIOUS_TENURE_GRANT   Records tenure credit, awarded at a previous institution, being considered for credit at this institution. It may also be used to record credit given in a negotiated appointment or lapse in service. NUMBER(5, 2)      
PRIMARY_ACTIVITY   Indicates whether the primary activity of the faculty member is instructional, research, or administrative. VARCHAR2(1)      
PRIMARY_ACTIVITY_DESC   Primary Activity description. VARCHAR2(30)      
PRIMARY_DISCIPLINE   Primary discipline code. VARCHAR2(6)      
PRIMARY_DISCIPLINE_DESC   Primary discipline code description. VARCHAR2(30)      
TENURE   Identifies whether this faculty or academic member of staff has tenure. VARCHAR2(2)      
TENURE_CREDIT   Tenure credit this appointment. NUMBER(5, 2)      
TENURE_DESC   Tenure description. VARCHAR2(30)      
TENURE_EFFECTIVE_DATE   Tenure effective date. DATE      
TENURE_FULL_TIME_EQUIVALENCY   Full Time Equivalency of Tenure for employee by department granting tenure. NUMBER(7, 4)      
TENURE_REVIEW   Tenure review code. VARCHAR2(2)      
TENURE_REVIEW_DATE   Tenure review date. DATE      
TENURE_REVIEW_DESC   Tenure review code description. VARCHAR2(30)      
TENURE_TRACKING_BEGIN_DATE   Date when tenure tracking started. DATE      
TERMINAL_APPOINTMENT_IND   Terminal appointment. VARCHAR2(1)      
TIMESHEET_CHART_DESC   Chart of accounts code description or title. VARCHAR2(35)      
TIMESHEET_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS   Timesheet chart of accounts. VARCHAR2(1)      
ZONE_VALUE   Process-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. Institution defined. VARCHAR2(6)      
